Clermont-Ferrand buses to test on-demand descent to reassure passengers after 10 p.m.

Clermont-Ferrand buses to test on-demand descent to reassure passengers after 10 p.m.
Clermont-Ferrand buses to test on-demand descent to reassure passengers after 10 p.m.

The territory of the Clermont-Ferrand metropolis will test on-demand descent on its public transport network, from 10 p.m. From July 1, this system will allow users to get off the bus between two stops in order to get closer to their destination. It is aimed in particular at women, often the first to feel insecure when traveling.

On-demand descent will be a new service tested by T2C, in the Clermont Auvergne Métropole area, from July 1, 2024. This system aims to make user travel safer, particularly in the evening, after 10 p.m.

By reducing the distance on foot between the bus stop and the final destination, this facility helps limit the feeling of insecurity, particularly at night in public spaces. This service is open to everyone, particularly women, who are most exposed to gender-based and sexual violence.

Offer the possibility of getting off as close as possible to home

To benefit from it, simply inform the driver, as soon as you board the bus, of your wish to get off between two stops. He will then ensure the safety conditions to authorize descent through the front door: sufficient lighting, possibility of stopping safely, easy docking and presence of sidewalks, etc.

“Our territory is fully mobilized in the fight against sexist and sexual violence, insists Olivier Bianchi, mayor of Clermont-Ferrand and president of Clermont Auvergne Métropole. In accordance with our commitments, we wish to go further with this new service. This responds to strong demand from users, particularly women, who will thus feel more secure.”

This new public tranquility measure is also fully in line with the City’s motto to prevent, secure and protect residents.

All lines running after 10 p.m. affected

All bus lines running after 10 p.m. are affected. This is the case for line B (every day), line C (Fridays and Saturdays), line 3 (Sundays and public holidays) and line 24 (from CHU Cébazat to Champratel, Sundays and public holidays).

“After the implementation of joint patrols between the National Police and the Municipal Police to support ticket checks and secure travel, we are introducing this on-demand descent, adds François Rage, president of the SMTC and 1st vice-president of Clermont Auvergne Métropole in charge of sustainable mobility. This new inclusive system will allow you to take the bus in complete peace of mind in the evening and will help make public transport a safe place, for everyone and at all times.”

An experiment that will last a year

The on-demand descent experiment will last one year. At the end of this period, T2C and the SMTC will evaluate the effectiveness of the service and determine whether it should be continued.

“T2C is fully mobilized in favor of equality between women and men and in the fight against sexist and sexual violence, both within the establishment and in and around transport,” underlines Blandine Galliot, president. of T2C.

What you need to know about shuttle, the new service in the city center of Clermont-Ferrand

“Women feel more insecure in public spaces and public transport,” concludes Cyril Cineux, deputy in Clermont-Ferrand, in charge of Transport, traffic and public space and vice-president of Clermont Auvergne Métropole in charge of Equality. This is even more true at night: 8 out of 10 women are afraid of going home alone in the evening. However, many of them work odd hours and therefore have to take public transport. feel comfortable and legitimate anywhere and at any time.

No one should have to forgo going out or take a detour to get home.

Fabrice Mina



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