Nîmes handball player Julien Rebichon, before his last season: “I’m not going to change now”

Nîmes handball player Julien Rebichon, before his last season: “I’m not going to change now”
Nîmes handball player Julien Rebichon, before his last season: “I’m not going to change now”

Starleague. Usam captain Julien Rebichon, who will be living his last season as a player, took part in the intern’s interview for Midi Libre.

It’s a truce for the Nîmes handball players, who finished 7th in the Starligue and failed in their ultimate European quest. Before resuming training on Monday July 15, captain Julien Rebichon (35), who will be living his last season as a player, was kind enough to take part in the interview. A different interview than usual, since it’s the month of high school students’ internships. Questions from the second year student… and answers from the (almost) always Usamist.

Have you ever thought about retraining? If so, in what field?

Waiter at Poum and Cow (laughs, the interview took place at the Nîmes restaurant, Editor’s note)! No, regarding my future, I would like to stay in the field of sport. Firstly, through refereeing (he has already been refereeing for several years with his partner Benjamin Gallego, at a high level, up to the women’s D1), but also training: I am already an educator at Usam for young people (in the small categories, girls in particular). And there is also the ventriglisse (an inflatable, aquatic and travelling structure in which Rebichon is associated, with childhood friends from Clermont-l’Hérault, including Gallego).

As a teenager, did you already have the goal of playing at a high level?

I studied sports so my future was already mapped out. For me, playing at the professional level was a dream. I accomplished it by spending my entire career at Usam.

For you, what skills do you need to have to progress to a high level?

Above all, you must be passionate, have fun while working, a lot, and have a minimum of talent to excel at the professional level.

How do you plan to approach your last season with Usam?

I will remain myself while having fun, whether in the championship or in the Coupe de France, and why not try to bring Usam back to the European Cup. I am not going to change now…

How do you envisage next season without your friend Benjamin Gallego, whether personally or for the team?

First of all, I’m losing my roommate on the road. It’s going to leave a big void, for Usam and for me. Benji is someone you can rely on, he was like a pillar for the team. His departure (Gallego is staying at the club as a VRP ambassador) doesn’t mean that we won’t see each other again, we of course keep in touch in life off the field. But I still think that we’re losing someone important for the team.

How did the first contacts with the new coach, David Degouy, go?

He has a good project in mind, a new vision of the game. We talked several times. For me, the first contacts were rather pleasant. There will be change, but I trust him completely. We also talked about my role and the captaincy, which I should keep.

What is your opinion on the recruits?

We took a great goalkeeper (Wesley Pardin, French international, and also the Créteil goalkeeper Dylan Soyez), youngsters who already have a bit of experience (like the Parisian Yoann Gibelin, 24 years old and the Pole Sebastian Kaczor, 22) and a Brazilian (Luciano, from Spain)… apart from the fact that he is stronger than me (smile), I don’t know anything more. Overall, I think they are good players.



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