Launch of the 21st Centre-East Trotting Festival in Saint-Galmier

Launch of the 21st Centre-East Trotting Festival in Saint-Galmier
Launch of the 21st Centre-East Trotting Festival in Saint-Galmier

Organized in partnership with Saint-Galmier and Feurs, the Centre-Est Trot Festival is an anticipated event. Because in addition to local players, it is a week which attracts coaches and drivers from all over France. The opportunity to combine work and relaxation on the banks of the Allier. In total, there are seven Premium meetings which make up this Festival (see box), with two sporting highlights in Vichy, the Grand Prix du Conseil Municipal and the final of the Speed ​​Cup Tour, without forgetting the coveted Prix Gaston Roussel, at the . “It’s a working holiday for professionals. We are lucky to have the finest whips and great trainers in Vichy during this Festival. The only regret we can express about this week is to have one day (Wednesday) where nothing happens, and on Saturday we are in competition with Enghien for the big closing night.underlines Philippe Bouchara, president of the Centre-East Federation, and of the Société des Courses de Vichy. The Grand Prix du Conseil Municipal, which is held on Tuesday, in the interests of national homogenization, is a group II-labeled event, which allows good horses to appear on the track. This year, for the first time, a Prix d’Amérique winner, Hooker Berry, will be present, with Jean-Michel Bazire in the sulky. JMB and Vichy have a close history, and nothing will make him miss this Trotting Week!“Another highlight of this week is the Speed ​​Cup Tour, which takes place on Saturday (drums and final). “This Speed ​​Cup Tour is a bit of a response to what came out of the Trot conference four years ago, indicates Philippe Bouchara. It’s about giving horses the opportunity to make it an objective and to have privileged access to batteries, via different stages. In addition to the racecourses in the Center-East, there are now other federations involved with Beaumont-de-Lomagne and Cavaillon, and we should normally add an event in Anjou-Maine next year. When we have two products like the Festival du Trot and the Festival du Galop, either we let them fall asleep and we lose them, or on the contrary it is about making them progress and bringing something new each year , for the public, for socio-professionals and for the races.”

Dates and locations of the 2024 Centre-Est Trotting Festival

  • Sunday June 30: Saint-Galmier
  • Grill evening at the edge of the slope open to all.
  • Monday July 1st: Vichy
  • Tuesday 2: Vichy – Municipal Council Grand Prix (Gr. II)
  • Wednesday July 3: no races. Petanque tournament at the Vichy racecourse.
  • Thursday 4: Vichy (evening) – Gaston Roussel Prize.
  • Friday 5: Feurs
  • Cocktail dinner and equestrian show at the Sichon stadium.
  • Saturday 6: Vichy – Batteries and final of the Speed ​​Cup Tour. Closing evening and fireworks.


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