3 dolphins have settled in the Old Port of La Rochelle

3 dolphins have settled in the Old Port of La Rochelle
3 dolphins have settled in the Old Port of La Rochelle

Three cetaceans stayed for two days in the trawler basin of the Old Port of La Rochelle (17). After the failure of several “non-intrusive” guidance operations to help them return to sea, they finally left on their own. 30millionsdamis.fr looks back on this surprise visit.

A quick trip to La Rochelle (17)… and then they leave! On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, in the late afternoon, 3 dolphins appeared in the trawler basin of the city’s Old Port, under the impressed gaze of the people of La Rochelle. According to the Pelagis Observatory, « These were common dolphins, a species present in the waters of the Bay of Biscay which lives in the oceanic zone, on the continental shelf, and sometimes approaches the coasts mainly in search of small pelagic fish..

Failed guidance operations

Two subadult dolphins were identified (a male and a female), as well as a juvenile of undetermined sex. “Non-intrusive” guidance operations have been carried out to try to help these marine mammals find their way back to the ocean. “A team from the Pelagis Observatory, accompanied by agents from the Gironde Estuary and Pertuis Charentais Marine Natural Park (OFB), and from the La Rochelle marina, attempted to guide them by implementing physical and acoustic guidance methods that had already proven their worth on other occasions (abroad).”the Observatory said. A failure that interrupted all attempts to avoid stressing the dolphins.

©Julien Chauvet – City of La Rochelle

Respect for onlookers

“The condition of the animals was not worrying”so the idea was then to observe the situation without intervening until “their condition was not deteriorating and the public respected them”. On Thursday, June 27, in the evening, the 3 dolphins left on their own towards the deeper waters of the ocean. In a case like this, if the situation had dragged on, the Pelagis Observatory told 30millionsdamis.fr that it was planned to do prevention work with the public. Calling in particular “to respect the tranquility of these animals during their stay in the pool”inviting to “observe calmly from the docks”. Before recalling the ban of ” throw away food, and especially go into the water, or try to approach them with any type of boat”.

This surprise visit from the dolphins was not a first in La Rochelle. On July 7, 2023, two common dolphins had already visited the Old Port.

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