Three juvenile dolphins trapped in the port of La Rochelle for several days: attempts to get them out have failed

Three juvenile dolphins trapped in the port of La Rochelle for several days: attempts to get them out have failed
Three juvenile dolphins trapped in the port of La Rochelle for several days: attempts to get them out have failed

For several days, three young dolphins have been trapped in the Old Port of La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime).

For two days, Thursday, June 27, 2024, the three young dolphins have been delighting tourists and locals with their beautiful choreography. But, in reality, these dolphins are stuck in the Old Port of La Rochelle, because the locks are only open at high tide, in two-hour increments, reports France Info.

Multiple attempts have failed

The scientists tried to guide them to the exit by making noise and installing a floating line, without any success. “They don’t want to go out. They go back despite our acoustic guidance”deplores a technician from the Pelagis association.

Steel bars were used to make an unpleasant sound to show them that this is not the way to go.” explains Cécile Dars, the stranding specialist at Pélagis, but the method did not work. “We almost believed it, they went in the opposite direction of us trying to pass under the footbridge and then they turned around and came back to the bottom of the pool.“.

We stop, because we don’t want to persist or stress them out” commented Cécile Dars to France Blueadding that dolphins have heart conditions.

In good health

The cetaceans are therefore still installed in the port. For the moment, scientists are not worried, because the mammals are in good health and under good surveillance. These are juveniles (less than 5 years old), one of which presents “lots of small lesions on the body”.

If the dolphins do not leave on their own by the end of the weekend, Pelagis will attempt another intervention. The teams will make a metal “net”, a “wall” of chains which will be submerged, and whose noise could guide the dolphins towards the exit.



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