Contemporaine de Nîmes: more than 80,000 visitors, a positive result and extended projects for the summer! – News – Nîmes – Culture

Inaugurated on April 5, the first edition of the Contemporaine de Nîmes ended this Sunday, June 23, marking two and a half months rich in cultural events.

Entitled “A New Youth” and orchestrated by the duo of artistic directors Anna Labouze and Keimis Henni, this first edition of the triennial brought together more than 50 artists in 25 locations scattered across the city. The event also mobilized more than 600 residents of Nîmes, directly involved in the creation of artistic projects. These are in all 80,826 visitors who explored this manifestation of contemporary creation, in addition to the 96,000 people who came to admire the works in the public space.

A program that continues this summer!

Given such success, some exhibitions and projects will be extended beyond the summer. Visitors will be able to continue to discover works at the Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain de Nîmes, at the Musée du Vieux Nîmes, at the Musée des beaux-arts de Nîmes, at the Chapelle des Jésuites and in various locations associated with the initial programme.

“La Contemporaine de Nîmes has found its audience”

“La Contemporaine de Nîmes has found its audience. It has enabled Nîmes to position itself on an innovative cultural axis, to benefit from very significant press coverage in France and abroad, and therefore to diversify its tourist attractiveness. This event has managed to find a place in our calendar. 31 years after the opening of Carré d’Art, Nîmes continues to forge its links with contemporary art. » declared Mayor Jean-Paul Fournier with satisfaction.

A successful opening weekend

The opening weekend, from April 5 to 7, attracted 21,226 visitors, divided between La Fugue (2,500 people), La Boum (4,500 people) and the various exhibitions and associated programs outside the public space (14,226 people).

The first edition of the Contemporaine de Nîmes has largely exceeded expectations, establishing itself as a new major event in the cultural landscape of Nîmes. The extension of certain projects during the summer testifies to the enthusiasm of the public and the success of this initiative, promising great prospects for future editions.

Gare area, “Heart in flames” by Delphine Dénéréaz and Sonia Chiambretto. © AV

In the heart of the Museum of Fine Arts, “Nothing I miss” by Neïla Czermak Ichti & Baya. © AV


A set of iconic works by American artist Judy Chicago is also at the Museum of Bullfighting Cultures. © AV



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