Montreuil: the laboratory! | The club

Montreuil: the laboratory! | The club
Montreuil: the laboratory! | The club

But what is happening in Montreuil, where France Insoumise obtained its highest score in the European elections, as well as in the last legislative elections and especially in the presidential election? The national agreement of the New Popular Front, in addition to the program that was signed, concerns the sharing of constituencies.

The FI gave 100 constituencies in the wedding basket for the socialist party to ratify the government agreement. The effort is measurable. Once the distribution is accepted, each formation decides on its own candidates. So far so good.

The FI decides to use the most popular constituency which votes the most for it to give visibility to the inhabitants of the cities and neighborhoods by proposing a candidate from these categories. Not just anyone. The whistleblower who in 2020 revealed the scandal of medical emergencies in public hospitals. Sabrina Ali Benali, since this is her, is an emergency doctor and lives in the “la boissière” district. Victim of racist repression, punished for her positions, she represents everything that good society hates.

The choice of the FI is justified to give the political signal for change. For the first time, direct representatives of mistreated, marginalized and ignored categories can access the National Assembly. This would be a confirmation of the anti-racist change that the new Popular Front wants to signify.

How can we understand the unleashing of forces asserting themselves on the left to prevent it from representing the social force of the future that lives in our neighborhoods? Let everyone get their act together. Let’s stop with egos, small political calculations, underhanded maneuvers. This is about the future of the country and the Nation. It goes beyond our little people.

This is the laboratory for the implementation of the New Popular Front. Either we admit it, or we contradict the very essence of the fight that drives us. I understand the confusion, the questions, the animosities that such a situation engenders. It is never easy to find one’s way when this situation takes place in an ultra-short period of time deliberately wanted by Macron to sow discord. On June 30, let’s vote for the candidate designated by the New Popular Front.

For a change, let’s vote for Sabrina Ali Benali. Let’s vote for the New Popular Front!



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