2024 Legislative Elections. “We must vote for Marcangeli, Colombani, Acquaviva and Castellani”, the call of Gilles Simeoni after the breakthrough of the National Rally

2024 Legislative Elections. “We must vote for Marcangeli, Colombani, Acquaviva and Castellani”, the call of Gilles Simeoni after the breakthrough of the National Rally
2024 Legislative Elections. “We must vote for Marcangeli, Colombani, Acquaviva and Castellani”, the call of Gilles Simeoni after the breakthrough of the National Rally

While the National Rally came first in the first round of the legislative elections in France, Corsica is no exception. Candidates from Jordan Bardella’s party qualified in all four constituencies. An “earthquake” for Gilles Simeoni, the president of the Corsican executive, who reacted on the set of France 3 Corse.

The results of the first round of these legislative elections are historic in Corsica. The island has not escaped the national navy blue wave. Indeed, the National Rally will be represented in the second round in the four constituencies of the island. What is happening this evening in France is a real earthquake“, announced Gilles Simeoni, the president of the Corsican executive, invited onto the France 3 Corse set.

4 National Rally candidates are in the second round of the legislative elections in Corsica, two of them came first in the first round. Do you experience this as a personal failure?

It is a political moment, extremely painful, in Corsica and in France, without mentioning Europe. What is happening today in France is an earthquake with political life exploding and a tidal wave: that of the vote in favor of the extreme right. Corsica was swept up in this overall movement.

There are no more political exceptions in Corsica?

We cannot emphasize the merits of democracy when we win and blame ourselves when we lose. I take note of this vote, I respect the voters who spoke in favor of the National Rally.

However, the political situation, written this evening in France and Corsica, is radically new. This requires us to profoundly rethink political action, including as nationalists but also among all progressives, officials, elected officials and citizens. There will be things to change very profoundly in the short, medium and long term.

On our level, Gilles Simeoni, is the political process initiated finished?

It is finished in the form that we have known until today since obviously, the parliamentary majority which will come out of the polls next Sunday will not be in shape and will probably not have the will to continue the process under this form. We will have to organize, react and resist.

Before talking about France, let’s talk about Corsica. Even if I deeply respect the voters of the RN, with this second round, a new election is beginning. It must be said very clearly: the RN party with its values, its vision of society and its project or rather its non-project that it has for Corsica, is the polar opposite of what we want to do.

In short, what should the position be? Should we vote for Marcangeli, Colombani, Acquaviva and Castellani?

As far as I am concerned, it is obvious. I supported the position of the territorial majority which has always been clear, whatever the case may be. That is to say when there are nationalists, we do not present candidates. For example, when there was Paul-André Colombani, there were two nationalist candidates, we said that we would vote for a nationalist candidate in the first round and the nationalist candidate in the second round. So of course, we must vote in favor of Paul Andre Colombani.

There is a unique case which is the first constituency of South Corsica, I know that Romain Colonna will have to speak since he stood and achieved a score where he progressed both in percentage and in votes. This situation shows us the new world we have entered. It is not just politics, there is also a reflection to be had on the situation in Corsica and its sociology.

You say that there is a sociological reflection, but are these results the fruit of a division between nationalists and the erosion of power?

There are many factors that come into play, but the reality of this evening with the RN’s victory in the first round, it is not only because of the divisions of the nationalists. These are also very important elements which come from elsewhere, from the French whole, from the evolution of our society. You have to listen to him. So for me this evening, yes, I think we should vote for Laurent Marcangeli, who is our political adversary, but who fought for autonomy.

However, I noted that Julien Morganti calls on everyone to vote in the second round but that he leaves freedom of choice and refuses to choose between the RN candidate and Michel Castellani. It is his responsibility, it is a responsibility which is very heavy. He said it was a collective decision, unanimous, I’m not sure, including among his troops. He will have to make his political decision in the second round.

Then, I heard in the 2nd constituency of Corse-du-Sud, Jean-Christophe Angellini who was very clear on the barrier to the National Rally but who did not clearly call for Jean-Felix Acquaviva to vote in the second constituency from Upper Corsica. We also know that in the first round, a certain number of elected officials and leaders of the PNC who voted and voted for François-Xavier Ceccoli. It is their most absolute right but I think that tonight things are clear in the 2nd constituency: there will be a choice in the 2nd round between three different visions. The one I support very clearly is the one carried by Jean-Felix Acquaviva. I think that many voters will also be able to make this choice.

Do you still believe in the second constituency of Haute-Corse?

There are more possibilities for progression for François Xavier Ceccoli. There is a 2400 vote gap with Jean-Felix Acquaviva. It is a second round, it is a new election that begins. The Corsicans will have to determine them and then we will have to learn the lessons of what happened this evening. As far as we are concerned, we will continue to fight for the fundamental values ​​in which we believe for Corsican society.

But you could have taken another solution in the second constituency of Haute-Corse: withdraw in favor of François-Xavier Ceccoli?

No, there is no reason to withdraw. Jean-Félix Acquaviva is second, he is in a position to win. He would have withdrawn if he had been third and if there had been a risk of the RN being elected. There, there are three options, clearly different, antagonistic, it will be up to the voters to choose.

How do you see your political future, because today nationalism is experiencing a defeat, what is your strategy for the future?

On the scale of France, the cataclysm that is happening today, precipitated by the results of the European elections and by the dissolution, comes from afar. For decades, we have been warning ““Beware of the extreme right” and Corsica was no exception.

We, who were chosen by the Corsicans, are also responsible for this situation. It will be up to us to draw the consequences in our way of governing, in our way of addressing them, but this will be in the medium to long term. First, second round of legislative elections: it’s up to the Corsicans to decide.

To watch the reaction of Gilles Simeoni, the president of the executive, to the breakthrough of the National Rally, here is the video:

video duration: 00h08mn34s

The reaction of the president of the executive to the breakthrough of the National Rally “what is happening this evening in France is a real earthquake”

©France 3 Corse Via Stella



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