Affair of the clairvoyant of Agde: the forty-year-old released under judicial supervision

Affair of the clairvoyant of Agde: the forty-year-old released under judicial supervision
Affair of the clairvoyant of Agde: the forty-year-old released under judicial supervision

The “clairvoyant” who allegedly manipulated the ex-mayor of Agde, Gilles d’Ettore, as well as several of his relatives, was released, the Béziers prosecutor’s office announced this Friday.

Placed under judicial supervision, she is prohibited from traveling to Hérault and from carrying out activities as a medium or magnetizer.

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Former Mayor of Agde “trapped” by a psychic

The central figure in the so-called “the clairvoyant of Agde” affair is now determined on her fate. The forty-year-old who presents herself as a medium and healer, under whose influence the former councilor Gilles d’Ettore is said to have fallen, was released and placed under judicial supervision, the public prosecutor of Béziers announced this Friday , Raphaël Balland, in a press release.

She had been incarcerated since March 21 following her indictment for “fraud, concealment of embezzlement by a person in a position of public authority, concealment of corruption and undeclared work.”

Ban on practicing mediumship activities

This 44-year-old mother is said to have managed, by modifying her voice, to deceive several people, including the former mayor of Agde, into believing that they were talking to each other. “with a supernatural being from beyond”. Before the investigators, she admitted having benefited, thanks to this stratagem, from numerous services and obtained the recruitment of several of her relatives within the municipality. She also claimed to have received several gifts from entrepreneurs connected with Gilles d’Ettore, including support for his sumptuous third wedding last year.

In its press release, the Béziers public prosecutor’s office states that the clairvoyant is now prohibited from going to the Hérault department and must remain in Strasbourg for the time being. She also does not have the right “to exercise in any capacity whatsoever the clairvoyant activitiesmedium, healer, hypnotherapist, magnetizer, purifier, energy therapist, radiesthesist, personal development coach, masseuse and more generally any activity related to esotericism (astrology, numerology, divination, fortune-telling, etc.), as well as gentle or alternative medicines”lists the public prosecutor of Béziers.

Former Mayor of Agde also released

Before the clairvoyant, it was the former mayor of Agde Gilles d’Ettore who was released and placed under judicial supervision on Wednesday, “taking into account in particular [sa] resignation of all his elected mandates”, indicated Raphaël Balland. The former councilor has now “the obligation to stay with a friend in Dordogne” and cannot go to Hérault or leave the national territory.

  • Read also

    VIDEO – Suspicions of corruption in Agde: the mayor, the clairvoyant, and the voice from beyond the grave

He also has the ban “to enter into contact (…) with a long list of persons designated by name and, in general, with any person exercising elective mandates or functions” at the Agde town hall or at the urban community.




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