Weather: after a capricious end to June, how will July start in Rodez? Here are the forecasts

Weather: after a capricious end to June, how will July start in Rodez? Here are the forecasts
Weather: after a capricious end to June, how will July start in Rodez? Here are the forecasts

The very end of June was particularly sad in Rodez. What can we expect for the beginning of July?

The last hours of June were very sad in Rodez, while the sun had finally made the first breakthroughs of the summer. What to expect for July?

What time ?

First, at the level of the sky. What treatment will be reserved for the Piton? According to the forecasts of Météo France, the weather will vary between sunny spells, clouds and showers. For Monday, July 1st, the first scenario will be favored, before the clouds and fog of Tuesday. Concerning the third day of the month, the bulletin speaks of a very cloudy morning before, little by little, a sun which will impose itself during the day.

Still according to Météo France, It’s Thursday, July 4th which should be the least joyful day of this first week of July: showers could fall on the Aveyron prefecture, with a confidence index of 4/5. An index which is 3 for Friday, where the forecasts are counting on a return of beautiful clearings on Rodez.

The weather for Monday July 1, 2024 in Rodez.
Weather France – Screenshot

What temperatures?

In terms of temperatures, what should Ruthenians expect? While the thermometer sometimes struggled to go down during the night as the last week of June began, the mercury will not show the same values to start July.

In fact, the minimums will be closer to the 10°C than 20°C. Météo France expects 13°C Monday, 12°C Tuesday and Friday, and 11°C Wednesday and Thursday.

Thursday is set to be the least beautiful day of the week in Rodez, according to Météo France.
Météo France – Screenshot

The maximums, for their part, will struggle to take off. After having displayed 22°C Mondaythey will fall to 18°C ​​on Tuesday, rise to 20°C on Wednesday and decrease slightly again on Thursday (19°C). Météo France announces 24°C on Friday. With, once again, forecasts to be taken with a pinch of salt from Thursday, the confidence index not being 5/5.



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