Marie Fondan recounts her “journey into inner Parkinson’s”

Marie Fondan recounts her “journey into inner Parkinson’s”
Marie Fondan recounts her “journey into inner Parkinson’s”

Marie Fondan noticed her first problems in 2004; an irregularity in the way he walks, nail damage in the middle of summer while holding a glass with ice cubes, loss of sense of smell. And then there is the explosion of the diagnosis, once it is confirmed. What follows is the announcement to his loved ones and his shift towards the programmed, inevitable decline. In detail, Marie Fondan describes her symptoms, which occurred over time. Difficulty writing, his arm getting heavier, headaches, nausea, walking problems and loss of balance.

Little by little, the loss of autonomy increases. Marie Fondan goes from the status of doctor to that of patient, while using subterfuges to continue working and hide the inevitable physical alteration as long as possible. The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are multiple and vary depending on the person: tremor, rigidity of the limbs and loss of movements. “As soon as we no longer use a function, we lose it,” continues the author. There are hereditary forms, but not necessarily, and it is not contagious! »

Inevitable renunciation

Before her illness, Marie Fondan was a great sportswoman, mountain dweller and passionate about travel. “My husband and I have traveled everywhere, crossed Europe in a camper van, then Asia, Peru, Africa, climbed the peaks of the Andes. » Marie had to give up many physical activities but did not stop traveling, finding other means of getting around, on a cruise ship for example or using her small wheelchair, nicknamed Ferrari, given to her by her husband. “It has become essential to me,” she confides. And thanks to him I can go everywhere. New York, Istanbul, Japan… The Japanese TGV, always punctual to the second, waited for me on the platform until I could board the train. This touched me a lot. People on the whole are kind to people with disabilities. ” It prevents. Their outlook changes as the disease progresses.

Marie recounts in detail her descent into hell, the intensity of her dyskinesias – sudden involuntary and jerky movements – her almost absolute blindness for six months, due to poor medication treatment, her absolute dependence and her profound isolation. Until this life-saving operation in October 2018. “The intervention of deliverance! She confides. I was offered intracerebral electrodes which, overnight, stopped the symptoms spectacularly. It was a real rebirth in a body which today responds better, even if I still have difficulty walking. »

Testify to give understanding

If Marie Fondan wanted to tell her story, it was to explain this neurological disease that affects nearly 200,000 people in France. And to let others know what they do not experience and do not imagine.

“At the beginning, this story, written like a travel diary, was only intended for my relatives and friends. They are the ones who pushed me to make it public. Which wasn’t easy. But if it can be useful to caregivers. » And to continue: “By writing, I did something with this illness, I put it at a distance, relegated it to its place and took back mine as a woman, and not just as a patient. »

Marie Fondan shares her journey through writing and also through painting, in watercolor, acrylic and Indian ink. An art that she developed during her illness and which served as an outlet for her to express her emotions. Some of her paintings are reproduced in her book and will be the subject of an exhibition this summer in Béost at the Multi-Activities hall, as part of the Ossalois Summer from July 16 to 28. The opportunity for her to sign her book and offer a discussion with the public on the day of the opening.

The book “Carnet de voyage en Parkinsonnie intérieure” published by the author, is on sale at the Tonnet bookstore in Pau and at La Curieuse in Arudy. €15.


Marital status: Marie Fondan, daughter of a shepherd, was born in 1952 and grew up in Béost in the Ossau valley. Married, 2 grown daughters and 5 grandchildren.
Training: Graduated in medicine in 1980 in Toulouse, she wrote her thesis on the hidden aspects of kidney cancer in 1981.
Professional activity: 1980-86, she gave courses at the CNAM on the psychodynamics of work. She worked as a replacement doctor in Pau until 2013



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