Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Viry-Châtillon (91170) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Viry-Châtillon (91170) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Viry-Châtillon (91170) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:53 – What will the supporters of the Nupes who disappeared in Viry-Châtillon decide?

While the New Popular and Social Union had accumulated votes during the previous legislative elections, but will not have lasted more than two years, it is a new union that has emerged in 2024. Which makes the left-wing vote this Sunday very unclear. During the first round of the parliamentary elections in 2022, in Viry-Châtillon, the Nupes duo had in fact gathered 32.99% of the votes in the locality. What share of these votes will go in particular to the Popular Front, combining France Insoumise, the Socialist Party, Europe-Ecologie, the Communist Party and others, and given neck and neck with the majority in the opinion polls during these legislative elections? The Glucksmann list more recently finished at 11.22% in Viry-Châtillon at the beginning of June. But the left is given a higher profile this evening, since the alliance put back in place virtually stands at 37% this time, adding together the votes of Manon Aubry (LFI), Marie Toussaint (EELV) and Léon Deffontaine (PCF).

18:42 – The RN in ambush in Viry-Châtillon before the legislative elections

Elections follow one another and sometimes are not alike, but there are conclusions to be drawn from all these figures. The RN’s progress is already solid in Viry-Châtillon between Jordan Bardella’s score in 2019 (20.9%) and the one it obtained on June 9 in the European elections (27.57%), of the order of 7 points. But this could be even more significant in the 2024 legislative elections, with polls giving the RN a fifteen-point increase compared to the 2022 legislative elections across the country, much more than the 18.68% at the time. The RN could thus find itself not far from 20% locally on June 30, if the dynamics were the same as for the European elections, or even more depending on the poll dynamics.

15:31 – Viry-Châtillon in the national average concerning Jordan Bardella on June 9

Looking back a few days seems all the more obvious when preparing for the vote on June 30, the result which was imposed on everyone at the end of the elections on June 9 being striking. If we look at the details, in fact, the RN list, with Jordan Bardella at the head of the list, won the 2024 Europeans in Viry-Châtillon. The far right gleaned 27.57% of the votes, ahead of Manon Aubry at 20.66% and Valérie Hayer at 12.25%.

2:32 p.m. – Viry-Châtillon voted for Mélenchon in the first round of the last presidential election

The choice of the President of the Republic is undoubtedly the benchmark for assessing a local political trend. Among the voters of Viry-Châtillon, Marine Le Pen did not really break through during the first round of the election of the President of the Republic in 2022. With 18.26%, the leader of the National Rally was relegated to the background by Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron at 33.55% and 24.4% of the votes cast. The second round will not smile any more on Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron winning with 63.71% against 36.29% for Le Pen.

12:32 – Legislative elections that had smiled on the Ensemble bloc in 2022

The number of votes for the National Rally will be the big topic locally for these National Assembly elections. During the last legislative elections, the RN failed in the first round in the city of Viry-Châtillon, collecting 14.81% of the votes on site, against 35.67% for Robin Reda (LREM). In the second round, the RN also failed, again leaving the local victory to the competitors stamped La République en Marche with 47.43% against 52.57% for the winners. Robin Reda therefore maintained his lead on site.

11:02 – Influence of demographic factors on the elections in Viry-Châtillon

In the midst of the legislative electoral campaign, Viry-Châtillon is perceived as a dynamic and active municipality. With its 31,045 inhabitants, this town presents itself as a symbol of openness. The socio-economic variety is observed in its 2,385 companies, whose activity is supported by a family fabric of 18,844 tax households. The percentage of households with at least one car (68.55%) shows a dependence on the automobile. This factor could affect voters on transportation and environmental issues. Viry-Châtillon forms a diverse community, with its 5,341 foreign residents, or 17.17% of its population, contributing to the social and cultural wealth of the city. Within this social diversity, 45.28% of families are made up of couples with children. The debt per capita, amounting to 982.48 euros, weighs on a city which desires a prosperous future. In Viry-Châtillon, where those under 30 correspond to 40% of the population, the elections symbolize the hope of a flourishing future for all.

09:32 – The mobilization of voters in the legislative elections in Viry-Châtillon

In Viry-Châtillon, one of the strong factors of these legislative elections will undeniably be the abstention rate. As a reminder, in the urban area, the participation rate in the 2022 legislative elections reached 42.24% in the first round. In the second round, 42.4% of voters exercised their right to vote. For the first round of the last presidential election, the participation rate represented 70.7% within the urban area. The participation rate was 64.63% in the second round, i.e. 11,832 people. Inflation in the country, which weighs on the finances of French households, combined with the uncertainties linked to the current geopolitical situation, could push the inhabitants of Viry-Châtillon not to stay at home.

08:02 – Election day in Viry-Châtillon: polling station opening hours

The opening hours of the 20 polling stations in Viry-Châtillon (from Bv1 l’Envol to Bv20 Elementaire Louise Michel) are as follows: from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. This Sunday, it has only been three weeks since the 18,389 people registered on the electoral lists of the municipality participated in the European elections. In 2022, during the previous legislative elections, 89 seats were obtained by the RN in the Assembly, and 245 for the presidential majority. Among the lists present in the 7th constituency of Essonne, who will succeed in seducing the voters of the municipality? To vote, it is necessary to be registered on the electoral lists and to prove your identity.



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