Couple Argues in Béziers, She Throws Him Out with His Snakes

Couple Argues in Béziers, She Throws Him Out with His Snakes
Couple Argues in Béziers, She Throws Him Out with His Snakes

The decision was radical, on the evening of Tuesday 25 to Wednesday 26. In fact, a woman threw her partner out into the street with his snakes which remained for a while in boxes, in a building in Iranget in Béziers.

It is very likely that the neighbors were very scared this Tuesday evening, in the Iranget district, in Béziers. In fact, boxes had been placed on the landing of one of the buildings in the area. So far so good ! But with very particular content to say the least. In fact, 26 snakes were held there, including a boa approximately 2.5 m long. Enough to scare everyone and cause the police to be immediately notified.

Snakes in the hallway

It all starts after an argument between a couple. Screams, screams, and then nothing. A door slams and a little noise. A moment later a neighbor comes out of his house and discovers some unusual boxes in the hallway. He approaches and they end up being snakes sleeping. Panic on board. You can imagine. The authorities are notified. And we need to get explanations quickly and especially know the origin of these somewhat unusual animals.

The owner able to hold them

Finally, the owner was found and interviewed in the premises of the Béziers police station while the reptiles had been put in a safe place. He is able to explain himself. To confirm that he is in possession of all the documents authorizing him to keep snakes, but also and above all that they are all identified and microchipped. All the animals have been returned to him, it is up to him to find accommodation and provide the animals with a safe place where they will not frighten anyone.



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