ARLES Florent Seddik (Reconquest) campaigns for a “true national Right”

ARLES Florent Seddik (Reconquest) campaigns for a “true national Right”
ARLES Florent Seddik (Reconquest) campaigns for a “true national Right”

Florent Seddik is the candidate of the Reconquête party, founded by Eric Zemmour, for the 16th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône. Activist for “the defense of his country”, he considers the program defended by his party to be “of the true national Right”.

Florent Seddik, 44, has decided to get involved in politics.for the defense of his country“. He is the candidate of the Reconquête party, which he considers to be “a return to reality”. “It is sometimes difficult to talk about what we see, and also to see what we see. We have imposed blinders on people for 40 years, what they saw in reality did not exist politically: welfare, Islamization… Or they saw it because they were fascist, racist or extreme -RIGHT.

The Marseillais arrived with his parents from Algeria when he was 14 years old. “France looks more and more like what I left. At the end of the 1980s, there was a rise in Islamism in Algeria, notably with the victory of the Islamic Salvation Front in June 1990. It was the start of a cycle of violence, a quasi-civil war. . The object of my activism is to avoid that, to ensure that France remains the one I dreamed of when I arrived.

However, even if he identifies certain RN measures as “firmer”, particularly concerning immigration – “We are no longer left with half measures“, for Florent Seddik, Reconquête is not far-right. “The extreme right politically are people who are anti-parliamentary and who advocate violence. The closest thing to it today is the far left. I do not believe that we, or even the RN, who advocate a return to a dictatorship. Reconquest is the only true national Right party.

With a program close to that of the RPR in the 90s “and I don’t think that at the time they were called far-right.”, which he considers all the more relevant today as “Everything this program refers to has gotten much worse since“, the candidate assures: Reconquest is even more relevant today on a national scale. Asked about the flagship measures for the territory of the 16th constituency, Seddik says he does not have any. “There are elections made to defend territorial specificities. The Legislative elections are there to defend national interests, which, obviously, also affect the territory. Insecurity, immigration, purchasing power… I think that all the voters in the constituency feel concerned too.

If we are running in this election today, it is not to make up the numbers. We have a political offer that is no longer represented anywhere. The National Rally is more lax on immigration and they have a left-wing economic policy. The only true Right is us. I love France deeply. My commitment is totally disinterested, it is truly in the interest of my country. I want to try to give back a little bit of what I received.



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