Supporting households experiencing fuel poverty – Seine-Saint-Denis

Supporting households experiencing fuel poverty – Seine-Saint-Denis
Supporting households experiencing fuel poverty – Seine-Saint-Denis

Cyril*, on long-term sick leave, has had cracked walls and major damp problems in his three-room apartment for six months. Accompanied by a social worker, he made a report on the Ecogie platform, which was quickly transferred to the Bagnolet branch of La Croix-Rouge Insertion LogisCité (CRIL). Two weeks later, its director Caroline Ferrero went to the forty-year-old’s apartment in the north of Bondy to carry out an energy diagnosis.

A complete socio-technical diagnosis

During this first visit, the young woman studied the water and electricity bills of the Seine-Saint-Denis resident and took a long tour of the accommodation to check, taking photos so as not to forget anything. Equipped with a thermometer-hygrometer and a flow meter, Caroline Ferrero carefully inspected the radiators, doors and windows, lighting, giving lots of advice…

“Your freezer is at -24 degrees, which is making your energy bill worse. You can leave it at -18 degrees.” she explains after studying the consumption of household appliances and water points in Bondynois. “Same, the flow rate of your taps could be reduced with EcEAUnome aerators that we will bring to you during a second visit…”.

Cyril*, a cook in the city in an amusement park, is in dispute with his landlord over excessive humidity and cracks due to water leaks on the upper floor. The worker from the CRIL of Seine-Saint-Denis filled out a file presenting in great detail the beneficiary’s support needs. “I have had breathing problems since my operation” confides the father. The lady from CRIL gave me solutions to make my apartment healthier and to be supported in my next steps.”

In the coming weeks, the father will benefit from a second visit from employees of La Croix-Rouge Insertion LogisCité, who will bring equipment: LED bulbs, thermal curtains, etc. allowing him to save money on his utility bills. energy without reducing your comfort of life. “During the second visit, our agents will also offer him support from the local energy and climate agency to draft files for his landlord in relation to the humidity level and cracks observed. In addition, Mr. could also benefit from work (VMC, etc.) in his home as part of an orientation with the bricobus of the Compagnons bâtisseurs association. » says Caroline Ferrero.

Small installations such as window seals, suitable electrical outlets, etc. can significantly reduce residents’ bills.

Coordination of actors around households

These procedures should help Cyril* to resolve some of his difficulties and save money on his future energy expenses, the gains made after the CRIL procedure being estimated at an average of 147 euros. “It could be ua real breath of fresh air”, says the forty-year-old who admits having to cut back on certain expenses to ensure his daily life.

Cyril* is one of the 700 households supported in 2024 by the Department of Seine-Saint-Denis as part of the local intervention service for energy management. “The Ecogie system set up by the community links ua network of institutional actors (social services, solidarity associations, etc.) who direct families towards the Ecogie platform and associations (CRIL, ALEC, Companions builders…). These offer for the most vulnerable, support adapted to each situation », explains Amandine Marie, departmental manager of the energy insecurity sector. “On average, 30% of households monitored by the Red Cross Insertion LogisCité will subsequently benefit from reinforced support and 20% of them from an aid fund for small jobs linked to the Solidarity Fund accommodation “.

The Ecogie system is part of a more global policy of the Department in favor of low-income families which has materialized among other things by the establishment of a network of whistleblowers (associations, communities, etc.), by the distribution of aerators reducing water consumption, actions allowing better insulation in apartments, etc. A way of taking concrete action for the wallets of the Seine-Saint-Denis residents while preserving the planet’s resources!

Certain tips such as door draft excluders or window seals can reduce heat loss.



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