GARD AND ARLES Unions mobilize against the extreme right

This Thursday evening, inter-union demonstrations were held in Nîmes, Alès, Bagnols, Arles and Uzès to say no to the extreme right, three days before the first round of early legislative elections.

Elections organized following the dissolution of the National Assembly decided on June 9 by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, which could, according to the polls, give the National Rally a majority, relative or absolute. An unprecedented situation under the Fifth Republic which today pushes the unions to form a united front.

In Nîmes

It was in front of the Carré d’art Jean-Bousquet that the demonstrators had arranged to meet at 6 p.m. There were around 300 of them at the call of the inter-union (CFDT, CGT, FSU, UNSA, Solidaires and FO). Democratic and social demands must be heard! “, was written on the banner that opened the procession. The sound system began by playing the traditional “Antisocial” by the group Trust before the union representatives took the floor, with the RN as the main target.

The demonstrators expressed their rejection of the National Rally. • p

« For the first time, the far right can come to power. The CGT has decided to support the New Popular Front, but it is not a blank check. History is accelerating, the field of possibilities is wide open. The worst with the unprecedented questioning of our democracy, but also the best with the possibility of reconnecting with social conquests. Let us chase away, on the evening of July 7, the night and the fog to restore hope with the victory of the forces of progress. This victory is possible and essential for the world of work “, declared Coralie Jonget, from the departmental union of the CGT.

It was in front of the Carré d’art Jean-Bousquet that the demonstrators met. • Photo : Norman Jardin.

The demonstrators slowly moved towards the Gard prefecture and everyone feared a victory for the National Rally during the legislative elections, the first round of which will take place on June 30 and the second on July 7.

In Bagnols, Around a hundred people gathered at the call of the inter-union CGT, FO, FSU and SUD-Solidaires. “Our France is that of Jaurès, of the Manouchian couple, not that of Pierre Bousquet, one of the former SS who created the National Front”, says the secretary of the local CGT union Patrick Lescure. FO will also return to history by recalling that Léon Jouhaux, general secretary of the CGT then of CGT-FO “was arrested by the police of the far-right Vichy government and then handed over to the Nazis who interned him until the Liberation”and that the Vichy government “pursued, arrested, tortured the trade union activists of the CGT”Louise Moulas will affirm.

Around a hundred demonstrators responded to the inter-union call this Thursday evening in Bagnols • Photo : Thierry Allard

If the extreme right is now on the verge of winning, “It is following the deadly decision of Emmanuel Macron”estimates Corinne Place for the FSU. “Macron the arsonist dares to cry fire”chokes Patrick Lescure, who accuses the President of the Republic of having led “the women and men of this country in despair and great anger which could have pushed them to let themselves be duped by the lies of the extreme right.”

The extreme right which is “the mortal enemy of workers, of people of color, of LGBTQIA+, of democracywill launch Marta Nicolas, for SUD. Their program is to preserve the privileges of a few by designating scapegoats. » “The far right never solves the problems of the people, never attacks capital”adds Patrick Lescure, who also accuses the RN of preparing “a breakdown of public services. » “The RN is the privatization of public broadcasting and universities”adds Marta Nicolas.

In this context, the CGT clearly calls “to vote for the New Popular Front”announces Patrick Lescure, even if “It’s not a blank check”joined by SUD who calls “to engage in the dynamics of the New Popular Front. » FO recalls its “union independence”but also his “fight against racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia and sexism”and FSU “calls to vote in the first round for the alternation of progress and social justice. »

In Uzes

Around a hundred people were present in Uzès. • photo Marie Meunier

« I am here to defend the democratic values ​​of our country that seem to be devalued by the extreme right. I have questions about our fundamental freedoms and those towards foreigners. I am worried about the new youth that is arriving “. Here are the words of Gilbert, a resident of Baron who came to Uzès for the mobilization against the far-right. A good hundred people responded to the call from the unions and the “Mobilisons Uzès” collective and gathered in front of the town hall, before walking down the boulevard and stopping at Le Provençal for a participatory and civic aperitif. “ Today, we want to bring together people who are against the ideas of the extreme right which oppose and divide. We advocate living together, we just need to share wealth better », Claims Philippe Alby, general secretary of the local CGT union in Uzès. Those present also sang the Marseillaise, “ which does not only belong to the RN ».

extreme right mobilization RN uzès legislative

In the procession, there were activists, union members, citizens and young people. • photo Marie Meunier

In the procession, there are union members, left-wing and New Popular Front activists, citizens and also young people. Several young women in their twenties brandish anti-National Rally signs. On one of them it is written: “ We already know that the summer will be hot, let’s avoid it being fascist “. The one who carries this message is called Anouk and wants to show with her comrades that the rise of the RN, “ it’s not ok “Further back in the crowd, there is also Bernard Perrier, PS representative for Uzège: ” There is an important choice to be made for a society of good living together. Some people say they want to try the RN, but no, we are not trying the extreme right. » The New Popular Front candidate for the 6th constituency, Nicolas Cadene, was then to join the Uzetian rally.

In Arles

In Bouches-du-Rhônes also the CGT mobilized in front of the sub-prefectures, notably in Arles where around forty people mobilized. “The demonstration was not intended to be a mass gathering, so that’s already good,” explains Nicolas Bourcy, secretary of the local CGT union in Arles. He spoke, with Jeremy Zucchelli of the Departmental Union CGT, to denounce the RN’s program vis-à-vis the world of work, as well as the impact of “Macronist policies” on the latter. It was also an opportunity for them to recall the union’s demands for workers’ rights, and to once again encourage Arles residents to vote for the New Popular Front.

In Arles, there were around forty people demonstrating. Photo: UL CGT Arles



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