who are the candidates for the 3rd constituency of Essonne (Dourdan-Brétigny)

In 2022, the 3e Essonne constituency had changed deputies, but remained within the fold of the presidential majority. Two years later, the task once again promises to be difficult for the outgoing deputy Alexis Izard, who narrowly won.

However, he enjoys broad support from elected officials in the constituency. No fewer than 28 of them have signed a letter of support for Alexis Izard, although these elected officials are not all of the same political persuasion as him. Among these supporters are the mayors of the most important municipalities in the constituency: Nicolas Méary, mayor of Brétigny-sur-Orge, Véronique Mayeur, mayor of Breuillet, Paolo De Carvalho, mayor of Dourdan, Julien Garcia, mayor of Etréchy, Jean-Marie Gelé, mayor of Saint-Chéron, and Norbert Santin, mayor of Saint-Germain-lès-Arpajon.

His main opponent will be Steevy Gustave, already present in this election two years ago. The elected representative from Brétigny-sur-Orge, included in Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, presents himself under the label of the New Popular Front. Born in the constituency, he wants to play the card of his local roots to win.

Finally, the spoilsport will be Stefan Milosevic for the National Rally. This opposition elected official from the commune of Montgeron on the 8e constituency of Essonne, and responsible for the party in the department, will be a candidate for the 3e where the RN came first in all municipalities during the European elections on June 9.

In total, 7 candidates are running on the 3e constituency. They are presented in the order of the draw of the prefecture of Essonne.


11 Joëlle Lopès-Venot (Workers’ Struggle)

Joëlle Lopès-Venot is a candidate, as in 2022, in the 3rd constituency of Essonne with Cosme Dansou as her replacement. She carries the voice of Lutte Ouvrière with force and affirms, on her profession of faith, to represent the real hope of change for workers.

She’s calling back ” that the left in power has disgusted and disoriented many workers, thus playing into the hands of the RN. And it is not because she resurrected the Popular Front in one night that we should give her our trust: there is no reason for her to do anything other than what she did for forty years».

Three main axes are defended by the candidate and her party: an increase in salaries, pensions and allowances, and their indexation on prices, that is to say that they increase at the rate of inflation, month after month, week after week if necessary; the cancellation of the cuts on retirement or unemployment insurance and finally “not to be dragged into a third world war. What good will the right to retire at 62 be if you die at 20 in a new war? What good will a salary indexed to inflation be if you find yourself under the bombs? », putting the other political forces against each other on this subject.

1. Joëlle Lopès-Venot (Workers’ Struggle)

22 Alexis Izard (Ensemble)

The outgoing deputy, elected in 2020 in the second round with 51.18% of the votes, is a candidate for his own succession.

If the challenge seems difficult, Alexis Izard highlights his work. “I was an elected official on the ground, useful to my territory. For two years, I was with the population, with local elected officials and moreover, the majority of the mayors of the district are committed to this month today” he insists. “He is the best MP we have had in 30 years.», whispered recently a mayor from another political side.

The MP reiterates his commitment to important issues, particularly the Egalim law to strengthen farmers’ income and ensure healthy food for the French.

He was also one of the deputies on the front line in the fight for simplification, submitting a report last February to the Minister of the Economy with 14 measures to “put an end to normative madness”.

He also hears the other concerns of the inhabitants, on security in particular, and also since the dissolution, on the stability of the country. It is therefore presented as “the choice of the lesser evil” in the face of extremes. His deputy is Nicolas Méary, mayor of Brétigny.

2. Alexis Izard (Ensemble)

33 Salvador Ribeiro (Unlabeled)

Salvador Ribeiro is running on the 3e constituency of Essonne for this legislative election, with Iholiseheno Rasolonjatovo as substitute.

In his profession of faith, the candidate explains that he is not “neither right, nor left, nor center “, and shares a vision of a democracy “ fairer and a reconciliation project. If I am elected, I will vote live according to your decisions for each vote proposed to the deputies“. In other words, a participatory democracy pushed to its limits.

In order to call on voters to support him, Salvador Ribeiro asks them to imagine a France where they can “ give their opinion, where it is taken into account and even a blank vote will count », « where your participation in decisions can be done where you want and when you want ” In short, it is an alternative to the current democracy that Salvador Ribeiro is proposing.

3. Salvador Ribeiro (Unlabeled)

44 Denis Tranier (Reconquest)

Denis Tranier will represent Reconquête in the legislative elections on channel 3e constituency of Essonne. His substitute is Nadia Tranier. He therefore carries the colours of Eric Zemmour’s party in this election and the national proposals including the end of “l’immigration massive ».

«A migratory upheaval is enabled by deleterious and unreasonable policies without the French people ever being able to comment on this unprecedented demographic shift.“, recalls the political party on its campaign documents. It also supports the end of tax bludgeoning while “State waste is increasing. The social system financed by your taxes is open to the whole world while the French can no longer even afford to get medical care».

Another subject that Reconquest highlights is education. “It is urgent to sanctify merit and make school the temple of knowledge, protected from woke propaganda » face « to the disintegration of our education system and the collapse of the educational level of young French people».

The party wants to make a shutter in shatter “the taboo of political correctness».

4. Denis Tranier (Reconquest)


55 Stefan Milosevic (National Rally)

Business leader and opposition municipal councilor in Montgeron, Stefan Milosevic has also been the departmental delegate of the National Rally since last October. He is a candidate in the third constituency of Essonne alongside his substitute Christopher Malivert.

« It is a predominantly rural constituency which, I think, can be won by the National Rally. I cross my fingers that voters are mobilized during this holiday period because they deserve a real MP to represent themconfides the candidate who perfectly assumes his parachuting into the territory. But this will surprise no one, this was already the case for Alexis Izard who comes from Savigny-sur-Orge. » Former member of the Val-de-Marnaise delegation of Reconquête!, Stefan Milosevic quickly joined the National Rally to defend the Union of the Right.

« Today, only the RN is capable of it. I was fiercely opposed to Eric Zemmour’s economic program, in particular retirement at 65 », concludes the one who defends the purchasing power of Essonniens, better justice and more security.

5. Stefan Milosevic (National Rally)

66 Catherine Bompard (All united for the living)

The president of the Movement for Animals Catherine Bompard is a candidate for 3e constituency of Essonne. His substitute is Pierre Bompard.

“France is rich in a diversity of landscapes, forests and countryside, without which neither meadows, hedges nor crops would exist, we want to safeguard these natural carbon sinks and protect their biodiversity from uncontrolled urbanization. New trees will never replace the first forests,” she states in her profession of faith.

Among the proposals it carries, there is thus to fight against climate change, the protection of natural spaces. It also intends to ” avoid irrational deforestation with the objective of Net Zero Artificialization ».

It also links ecology and purchasing power, by offering “ to reduce the amount of invoices” of “maintain and maintain nuclear power in the energy mix, redistribute excess solar electricity between individuals, maximize the recovery of lost heat ».

«We will act with three structural benchmarks: common sense, France… and you“, concludes the candidate.

6. Catherine Bompard (All united for the living)


77 Steevy Gustave (Europe Ecology-The Greens-New Popular Front)

Steevy Gustave, the opposition elected representative from Brétigny-sur-Orge and defeated in the second round of the legislative elections in 2022, is once again running for election to the residents.

This son of a soldier, who died in service for France, born in the district, insists on his knowledge of the terrain.I have been a resident of the constituency for 54 years, I know it well, with its assets and its inequalities. In this national context, I who have fought all my life to live together against racism, I want to be part of those who, in the Assembly and on the territory, bring together the French and repair this fractured France ».

Due to his ecological sensitivity, he of course wants to act to protect the environment, but he also intends to “ take strong action on purchasing power». «I come from working-class neighborhoods where people suffer from a lack of transportation, doctors, public services, the same problems that affect rural areas.“, he insists. Healing the planet, caring for minds and caring for the Nation is, in short, the ambition of Steevy Gustave who will have Pascale Perron as his deputy.

7. Steevy Gustave (Europe Ecology-The Greens-New Popular Front…




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