The ADMR is looking for home help in Saint-Etienne-de-Montluc

The ADMR is looking for home help in Saint-Etienne-de-Montluc
The ADMR is looking for home help in Saint-Etienne-de-Montluc

The ADMR (Rural Home Help) in the geographical sector of Saint-Étienne-de-Montluc regularly brings together its volunteers and employees who work in the beneficiaries’ homes.

And if we can summarize the meeting of Monday, June 24, it is that the association has a significant need to strengthen its teams, for this summer as well as for the start of the school year in September: the ADMR is recruiting.

Two types of jobs are offered. First of all, for home help jobs, i.e. helping people get up, go to bed, wash, dress, and eat.

Also home help jobs for cleaning, shopping and everything related to daily life.

ADMR supports and trains people who will be recruited

The ADMR receives numerous requests from families or elderly people living at home and cannot respond to all of these requests.

Volunteers estimate that eight people need to be recruited, either now or by September.

There is no need for experience or special training for these professions. On the other hand, the ADMR supports and trains the people who will be recruited.

Although the majority of jobs are part-time, the contracts offered take into account availability, for example to drive your own children to school or after-school care.

Likewise, interventions are organized as close as possible to the employees’ homes and travel time to work and transfer from one beneficiary to another are counted as working time.

Candidates must be transported and receive mileage allowances.

The area considered includes the municipalities of Cordemais, Saint-Étienne-de-Montluc, Indre, Couëron, Malville, Lavau-sur-Loire, Bouée, La Chapelle-Launay and Savenay.

Additional information: to apply: ADMR, tel 02 40 85 25 76 and email [email protected]



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