In Les Clouzeaux, lessons in the garden

In Les Clouzeaux, lessons in the garden
In Les Clouzeaux, lessons in the garden

This Thursday, it is not the bell of the Jean de La Fontaine school that sets the tone for recess. It is the bell that Émeline, the CM1 teacher, rings that announces the end of the workshop. And, this time, the classroom is outdoors. In the educational garden of Tinouze, in Clouzeaux, the students take a lesson in picking. This is the best time, smiles Stéphanie, one of the volunteers. We harvest radishes, carrots, potatoes. »

For the second year, an educational project unites gardeners and schoolchildren. “ The idea is to come four mornings a year, explains Émeline. With very diversified activities, from seedlings to planting in the ground. “In the garden, CM1s also learn about seasonality and pollination.” We also made insect and bird houses. »

Tasting and picnic

In the alley, Alexandre, Kelyan and Lisa taste the strawberries with delight. They are very attentive “, Danielle whispers, showing them the fennel. Louann and Léane go back and forth with the watering cans. Precious water for the flowers that their friends from CM1 have just planted at the foot of the big tree. Next to them, Simone gives her advice on how to properly store vegetables. ” We do a little tasting, too », rejoices Charlotte.

The smell of fried potatoes ” reaches Rayan’s nostrils. ” We will feast ! “Because, for the last visit of the school year, volunteers and students share the picnic. Before sitting down to eat, Loris has one last tutor to install. ” This way, the tomatoes will grow well… »



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