video speech to the 6 candidates

Posted by Soizick David, June 27, 2024 at 4:10 p.m.

Florence Beuvelet, Gauthier Bouchet, Audrey Dufeu, Eddy le Beller, Xavier Perrin and Matthias Tavel each have 3 minutes to convince voters before the June 30 vote.


The first round of the legislative elections will see 6 candidates compete in the 8th constituency of Loire-Atlantique. The person who is elected as a deputy will be required to speak at the National Assembly, within a specific speaking time, to defend his or her positions. We have therefore proposed to the 6 candidates for the Deputation to present their arguments and programs, in the same way, in a video intervention of 3 minutes maximum. Before slipping your ballot into the ballot box next Sunday, discover the videos of the 6 candidates. The presentation is done in alphabetical order.

Florence Beuvelet, Republican candidate

Florence Beuvelet, 69, represents Les Républicains in the elections in the 8th constituency of Loire-Atlantique. Florence Beuvelet has already run for the Legislative elections in 2017, was a municipal councilor in Saint-Nazaire, and a regional councilor in the Pays de la Loire region. Her substitute is Riwan Guillou.

Gauthier Bouchet, National Rally candidate

Responsible for the National Rally in Loire-Atlantique, Gauthier Bouchet is 36 years old and has been a regional councilor since 2021. A candidate in the legislative elections in 2017 and 2022, he was an opposition municipal councilor in Saint-Nazaire between 2014 and 2020, a community councilor between 2015 and 2020, and also ran in the 2020 municipal elections in Saint-Nazaire. His substitute is Adam Chauvel-Huz.

Audrey Dufeu, presidential majority candidate

Aged 44, Audrey Dufeu was elected Macronist MP for the 8th constituency of Loire-Atlantique from 2017 to 2022, before being defeated by Matthias Tavel, the outgoing MP for the constituency. Her substitute is Bassem Neifar.

Eddy le Beller, candidate for Lutte Ouvrière

Eddy le Beller is 55 years old and has represented the Lutte Ouvrière party in Saint-Nazaire or during regional elections since 2010. He has worked for more than 25 years at the Shipyards in Saint-Nazaire, and has Jean-Claude Saint-Arroman as his deputy in these elections.

Xavier Perrin, candidate of the Social and Citizen Republican Front

At 48 years old, Xavier Perrin is running for the second time in the legislative elections in the constituency of Saint-Nazaire. He is currently Deputy for Finance and Education at the City of Saint-Nazaire, after having been Deputy for Education and Security from 2014 to 2020. His deputy is Lydia Meignen, departmental councilor in Loire-Atlantique.

Matthias Tavel, New Popular Front candidate

Matthias Tavel is an outgoing LFI deputy, nominated candidate of the New Popular Front in the 8th constituency of Loire-Atlantique. Her substitute is Christelle Ardouin. Matthias Tavel appeared on the list of La France Insoumise in the 2019 elections, he was also elected to the Regional Council of Pays de la Loire in 2021, a mandate from which he resigned after his election as a deputy in 2022.



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