Saint-Joseph: Hubert-Delisle road (RD3) closed to traffic following a landslide

Saint-Joseph: Hubert-Delisle road (RD3) closed to traffic following a landslide
Saint-Joseph: Hubert-Delisle road (RD3) closed to traffic following a landslide

A landslide occurred around 5 a.m. this Friday morning, not far from the Manapany ravine. Boulders weighing 12 to 5 tonnes obstruct the roadway, preventing traffic. A diversion has been installed. Users must go via the RD31 and RD32.

Traffic is impossible on the RD3, route Hubert Delisle, following a landslide which occurred around 5 a.m., this Friday June 28, 2024. Two rock blocks, estimated at 12 and 4 tonnes, fell from the cliff. They fell 4 meters without hitting a vehicle.

The regional roads department immediately alerted specialists from the BRGM (Bureau de Recherche Géologique et Minières) so that they could inspect the premises before assessing the possible fragility of the premises.

An inspection was planned following heavy rains in recent weeks.

Road users going to or coming from Saint-Joseph must take the RD31 and RD32 until the RD3 reopens.

The duration of this closure will depend on the extent of the work to be undertaken to secure the site. The geologists’ study has begun. Only the ongoing expertise will make it possible to know when the clearing work can take place.

Luckily, this incident occurred late at night, at a time when traffic was scarce.



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