Sainte-Marie la Mer: 27 young flag bearers in training

Sainte-Marie la Mer: 27 young flag bearers in training
Sainte-Marie la Mer: 27 young flag bearers in training

Created in 2025 by Josiane Manson, the young flag bearers section welcomes young people aged 10 to 18 who come from the 61 committees of the Pyrénées-Orientales. Once a quarter they meet for a day of training and cohesion. If the morning is devoted to training for the flag bearer function, the afternoons allow them to practice sports or memorial activities. The section has around ten young people from the Universal National Service who carry out their mission of general interest (MIG) within the section. Thus, in the morning, 27 young flag bearers and their companions, parents, committee presidents, senior flag bearers, were welcomed by Mr. Edmond Jorda, Mayor of Sainte-Marie la Mer.

After a briefing, the young people and the trainers, Jacques Jourda, Patrick Gauchot and François Guillaumas went to the town cemetery to pay tribute to the Dead for France buried there. Then, still in training, they went to the church to review the gestures that a flag bearer must make during a religious ceremony. At the end of the morning and for the first time, the flag bearers, young and old, worked on the new Quadrille of Flags imagined by Patrick Gauchot. Diplomas and badges of young flag bearers of the Souvenir Français were presented to the most deserving, and the diploma and official badge of flag bearer of the Ministry of the Armed Forces were presented to Miss Lily Cafafa of the Soler committee, by the Deputy General Delegate, Bernard Merle.

After a picnic lunch, the participants were invited to an introduction to archery in the grounds of the Archers Marinoise, chaired by Mr. Lionel Leloir, vice-president of the Comité du Souvenir Français de Sainte-Marie la Mer.

An appointment has been made for the presentation of the 2024 class in Saleilles on November 9. It will bear the name of Romain Pointeau, who died for France in Mali. His little brother will be part of the new class…

Information and registration: on the site =



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