Franck Dubosc: “La Baule is the happy medium between Brittany and Biarritz”

Franck Dubosc: “La Baule is the happy medium between Brittany and Biarritz”
Franck Dubosc: “La Baule is the happy medium between Brittany and Biarritz”


Editorial Guérande

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

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A few minutes before the opening of the Cinema and Film Music Festival La Baule (Loire-Atlantique) Wednesday June 26, 2024 and the presentation to the public of his latest film ProdigiousFranck Dubosc received The Echo of the Peninsula on the terrace of the Hôtel Barrière l’Hermitage.

Franck Dubosc, do you know La Baule well?

For a long time yes. You remember the ad about La Baule “Do everything, let yourself be done, or do nothing”? (in 1991, Franck Dubosc was then 27 years old Editor’s note) Well the young man who runs on the beach, gets a massage and plays tennis, that was me! I have also come to play my show here several times and participated in one of the editions of the festival.

What do you like here?

I really like La Baule, because it’s the happy medium between Brittany and Biarritz. Just the right amount of softness in the setting, with this large beach, but without ever very big waves. Nine kilometers of fine sand without stopping, it’s still huge, there aren’t many beaches that long!

And this festival, happy to be its president?

I was pleasantly surprised by the invitation to be president of the jury, yes. It’s quite nice to come here for five days. And what I like here is that we take our time. We really see each other with people, we have lunch, we dine, we sunbathe together! And at the same time, we go to see films. Here, there is something calm, we can enjoy ourselves and it really makes you want to come.

“What I like here is that we take the time”

A special connection with guest of honor Claude Lelouch?

Claude and I know each other well. We should make a film together, I hope one day…

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What do you expect from your jury, made up of Audrey Dana, Leslie Médina, Ludovic Bource and Samuel Le Bihan?

Let them contradict me! That’s why cinema exists, it’s not made to please only one person. That’s what’s interesting in this kind of exercise: that they have a different opinion than mine. I like the idea “Tell me what film you like and I’ll tell you who you are”.

Tell us about Prodigieuses, your latest film that you are presenting at the opening of the festival at Atlantia?

I play the role of a former failed athlete who bets everything on his twin girls, virtuoso pianists, but whose career will be compromised by an orphan disease (based on the true story of the Pleynet twins, Editor’s note). I warn you, we’re getting out the tissues!

What will be your next news?

After Everybody stand up (in 2018) and Rumba life (in 2022), I made my third film which will be released in January 2025. It’s a kind of rural thriller, a fairly dark comedy, with Benoît Poelvoorde, Laure Calamy and myself.

What kind of writer-screenwriter are you?

I love writing! At first, I write everywhere, on little pieces of paper, notebooks… I really like this period and I like to fall asleep thinking about what I’m writing. I ruminate, but I don’t undermine myself! For me, writing is a long gestation. But when it’s done, I then write very quickly from all my notes, because everything is there.

Do we feel happy to be in La Baule?

Yes absolutely and what’s more, the weather is on our side, the sky is blue, what more could you ask for! The sea is calling me… I won’t go five days without having a swim! I took the swimsuit!

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