Moving 2024: Animal shelters are already overflowing in Sherbrooke

Moving 2024: Animal shelters are already overflowing in Sherbrooke
Moving 2024: Animal shelters are already overflowing in Sherbrooke

“The shelter is almost at capacity. It’s not just us who are in this situation. Virtually all shelters across the province, even in Canada, it’s the same refrain for everyone,” laments Alexis Savoie of the Estrie Animal Protection Society (SPA).

Every time an animal leaves a cage, another occupant comes to fill the space. “Currently, at the shelter, we have about 170 to 190 animals. If we include all the animal boarding facilities of foster families as well, we have about 300 animals that we take care of on a regular basis,” adds Mr. Savoie. He also notes a 20% increase in dog admissions to the shelter compared to 2023.

For its part, the Le Château shelter receives between 300 and 400 calls each day from all over Quebec. The place is currently at full capacity.

“We must have more than 200 in total for adoption. We have around sixty host families who have 2 to 5 each. So that frees us a little,” relates Sylvie Saint-Laurent, responsible for volunteers at the Le Château shelter.

If you are moving and are unable to keep your pet, Mr. Savoie advises that you first ask around. “At the SPA, we want to remind people that we are a last resort,” he adds.

Shelters also expect the situation to worsen after 1is July.

Few accommodations accept dogs

In the eyes of Mr. Savoie, the few apartments that accept dogs is an important variable in these abandonments.

“There’s also the cost of living, inflation, the impact of veterinary care and food.” “There are many reasons why people reluctantly have to give up a pet,” he lists.

However, he is hopeful of finding a new family for the animals at the Estrie SPA. Adoptions are made on a daily basis at the shelter for dogs, cats and small animals.

“What’s a shame is when the cats are older, people are more inclined towards kittens,” notes Ms. Saint-Laurent.



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