2024 Legislative Elections: “The President is trying to sneak into a mouse hole” observes Alba Ventura

2024 Legislative Elections: “The President is trying to sneak into a mouse hole” observes Alba Ventura
2024 Legislative Elections: “The President is trying to sneak into a mouse hole” observes Alba Ventura

Emmanuel Macron will never tire of imagining combinations or provoking political coups ! When you think that he confided in a big boss about his dissolution that he had (he says) imagined for a long time. “I threw my grenade with the pin pulled at their legs. Now we’ll see how they get out of it.” We say to ourselves that he mostly blew up the grenade in his face!

But that doesn’t stop him from remaining combative, from remaining “Mister Cool”, like on Sunday when we saw him go to vote in a cap, jeans and James Bond glasses. And yesterday, when he brought together the majority leaders and some of his ministers at the Élysée, he told them to don’t get the wrong enemyit is the RN that can take power, no one else.

What he knew on June 9, on the evening of the European elections. The RN was already in a position to become the leading party in France. But then, what he told his close friends was to hit harder against the RN. And to see if there is not a way of passage with all those who belong to the republican arc. We find the Macron tactician.

Towards a grand coalition

He is willing to go quite far, to make a grand coalition. To burst the dams of the parties. A grand coalition that would go almost from the communists, the ecologists, the socialists, which is not without salt after having turned exclusively towards the right LR at the time of the pension reforms and the immigration law. Of course, this coalition would go as far as the LR, with the exception of Éric Ciotti and his friends.

The big question (both questions) is: Who will accept? And to do what? Because you take a socialist who signed the New Popular Front program, for example François Hollande and an elected Horizon, close to Edouard Philippe or a Xavier Bertrand, they don’t really have the same goals on retirement, on taxation, or even on delinquency.

Towards a new dissolution?

They agree on values, but not on a program! Is Emmanuel Macron ready to give up everything he has done for 7 years to bring socialists and environmentalists into a government? And then beyond the program, there is his person who has long since exhausted all his capital with a part of the left and the right.

I say that The President tries to squeeze into a mouse hole. While many in his entourage do not believe in a “re-assembled” majority, he says to himself that there is always a reason to believe in it. And if it does not work, in all the confidences that are made to us, there is one last idea: a new dissolution in a year.

Tell the French, you are going to vote on Sunday, but whatever happens, we will start again next yearthis is the worst idea frankly. Those who propagate this idea, take a considerable responsibility, because it is telling voters that their vote does not count. There is no better way than to inflate the numbers of the RN.

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