“Priority to public order”: security will be reinforced this summer in Lorient

“Priority to public order”: security will be reinforced this summer in Lorient
“Priority to public order”: security will be reinforced this summer in Lorient

Olympic Games oblige, Lorient will not welcome additional national police officers this summer. In order to guarantee “tranquility for all”, Fabrice Loher, mayor, unveiled his security plan during the municipal council, this Thursday, June 27, 2024. Five municipal police officers will arrive by mid-July, for a total of 27 agents . The mayor also requested a reorganization of patrols in the city, whether by car, on foot or by mountain bike.

As a day shift, from Monday to Saturday, one to three patrols will circulate. On the night side, from Thursday to Saturday, the municipality plans to move to two or even three patrols (three teams of two). “We will have a team on foot patrol in the city center and two others in the neighborhoods. The goal is to increase our presence at night,” continues the mayor.

Modification of public lighting in Jules-Ferry

Furthermore, the mayor decided to modify the public lighting in Jules-Ferry park, with work carried out from July 11 to 17 for a budget of €105,000. “I have too many reports of problems, harassment and even violence, in this park as soon as night falls. So we strengthen the lighting. There will be no more dark corners,” assures Fabrice Loher.

At the same time, the urban supervision center will see its operation modified with a reinforcement of the presence of agents in front of the screens. Several municipal decrees, such as the sale of alcohol after 8 p.m., will be taken in the coming days in the city center, rue de Verdun and rue Paul-Guieysse. “These are problem areas that we have identified. This will allow our law enforcement to intervene in good conditions,” said the mayor.

Red vests and “Angela” devices

The city’s mediators, the Red Vests, will also be a little more present in the city centre, in the Jules-Ferry, Peristyle, Quai de Rohan, Tabarly estacade sectors, with marginalised populations, particularly regarding the occupation of public spaces. “The aim is to make contact before repression,” insists Fabrice Loher.

Furthermore, several establishments in Lorient (bars, restaurants, shops, etc.) have integrated the “Angela” system. They are identifiable thanks to a sticker “Here, ask for Angela”. This allows a harassed or threatened person to be kept safe in a public space. The manager can then call a taxi or a relative of the victim, or even the police in the event of danger. A list of establishments concerned will soon be communicated by the City.



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