Near Rennes, his homemade coffees can be drunk in his new workshop

Near Rennes, his homemade coffees can be drunk in his new workshop
Near Rennes, his homemade coffees can be drunk in his new workshop


Florian Puche

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 5:24 p.m.

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The success story continues for Eric Maignant. Installed in his garage of Domloupnear Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine) for several years, the founder of The Castel Roasterya coffee specialist, opens a new page in its history.

It is moving into a brand new and much more spacious premises in the area of Plessis Beuscherhas Châteaubourg (Ille-et-Vilaine), early July 2024.

Orders exploding

“Since 2021, our business has been growing steadily. I started out on my own at the bottom of the ladder, in my garage. It’s been three years since I last took a vacation and I’ve been working as a a diehard and today I manage to open here. I tell myself that the work finally pays off,” he admits with a hint of pride.

In this new location, a new machine comes straight from the Netherlands to roast its coffee. After a few adjustments, it is now up and running and production can continue.

In total, Eric and his team will offer 30 references coffee and 60 references of tea. All of this is made on site. “We create our own associations and blends,” continues Eric, with over 15 years of experience in coffee.

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The one who started by cleaning and repairing coffee machines to his beginnings in blacksmithing a know-how specific to the Brûlerie du Castel.

He now sells his coffee blends throughout the department, as well as in Mayennein the Côtes-d’Armor or even in the Channel.

“I like to say that I am a coffee chef. I offer A to Z support to my customers. From production to tasting to repair. Proximity to the customer is something I look for,” he told us in November 2021, when we met him in his garage and his coffee had just been voted among the best in France.

Not just coffee

In this new location, Eric now hopes to share his passion for roasting. He has also recruited in order to have a team of “6-7 people” around him, including Clementine Camblaa new partner, who will be responsible for the production of cookies.

Because in addition to coffee and tea, the Brûlerie du Castel will offer a whole selection of cookies to accompany hot drinks or simply for gourmets.

The idea will be to bring the public and introduce them to the roasting profession. I want to share this passion and also organize company days.

Eric Maignant

“There will be a room with a bar so that we can do real tastings. Individuals will also be able to come and machines will be a waitThe aim is for people to come here rather than to Rennes and to make our profession known.”

A snack bar opens from July 15

As mentioned opposite, Eric Maignant wants to diversify, notably with the future coffee shop at the station. While waiting for this project to open, it will offer snacks in its new premises, at 8 rue du Plessis Beuscher. On the menu: salads, sandwiches, bagles… and of course Clémentine Cambla’s cookies, “an ideal gift for the end of the year”, he boasts. “There will also be a barbecue day with sausage pancakes,” warns the boss. This service is scheduled to open from Monday July 15 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

“As if I was starting from scratch”

Eric also doesn’t forget to thank Teddy Regnier, the mayor of Châteaubourg: “He trusted me and without him, I would not have carried out this project. Just like my family, my friends and especially my loyal customers. »

From now on a new page opens for the Brûlerie du Castel and Eric knows that the road is still long: “It’s like starting from scratch,” he concludes before getting back into his truck to set off again along the roads of Brittany for a new delivery.

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