Advisor in social and family economy (F/M) – SEQENS, Aubervilliers (93300)

Advisor in social and family economy (F/M) – SEQENS, Aubervilliers (93300)
Advisor in social and family economy (F/M) – SEQENS, Aubervilliers (93300)

About Us

Seqens’ 1,606 employees combine their know-how in the social housing professions. Our teams are investing and mobilizing to make Seqens a leading company in the quality of service to customers and the development of our assets. This constant requirement promotes a culture of responsibility and responsiveness. It leads us to seek out diverse talents.
In 2022, Seqens became the first mission-driven company in the Action Logement group.
It now has a purpose: “Giving everyone a chance by innovating for housing”.
Being a company with a mission means pursuing ambitious social, societal and environmental objectives, enshrined in the company’s statutes.

Area(s) of intervention of the position


Job Description

Within the Departmental Directorate of 93 and attached to the service dedicated to social action, your main mission as CESF is to enable the reception and maintenance of tenants in the greatest difficulty.

In this context:

– You meet tenants following reports from the collection service,
– You prepare local unpaid debt commissions in connection with the collection service,
– You facilitate access to housing for households in difficulty: social assessment of the situation of candidate tenants, implementation of CALEOL recommendations (ASLL, AVDL),
– You propose and implement actions promoting the retention of tenants in their accommodation and environment by participating in social action projects on the sites,
– You represent the company to our partners and all external stakeholders involved in your field of action.

Additional information :
Travel to be expected.
Geographic area of ​​intervention: 93.

In images, in pictures

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Required profile

Level of education or experience required:

Holder of a BTS or a CESF state diploma, you have at least 2 years of experience, ideally acquired with a social landlord.

Expertise/Technical skills required:

You master the mechanisms of social housing regulation and master social measures and social assistance (devices linked to remaining in housing in the context of unpaid debt, allocation procedures, litigation procedures). You have a good command of IT tools and you are able to monitor dashboards and produce reports. Knowledge of IKOS software is a plus.

Personal skills required:

Relational and writing skills, organization, taste for teamwork and cross-functional work, spirit of initiative, analytical and listening skills will be essential assets to succeed in this position.



Between €35K and €40K

Schedules :

Jour –
Time details:

Day package

Start date :

As soon as possible

Work time :

Full time

Benefits :

Seqens offers you:
– Day package
– 6 weeks of paid vacation
– Inter-Company Restaurant
– Carte Ticket Restaurant
– Profit sharing
– Holiday bonus
– Parental agreement



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