Pierre-Antoine Fèvre (LR/RN) brings together around fifty supporters in Millau

Tuesday evening in Millau, a political meeting brought together around fifty Aveyron residents, all “ very enthusiastic » around their candidate, Pierre-Antoine Fèvre. For the first time, supporters of the Republicans, the RN, Reconquête and Debout la France were able to discuss, “ in a friendly atmosphere », on their commonalities and their political differences. “ The urgency of an alliance on the right to block the far left ” was unanimously approved by the participants.

« Discussions focused on crucial themes such as purchasing power, security and agriculturerelates Pierre-Antoine Fèvre. Among the key measures, the reduction in employer contributions to allow an increase in wages was warmly welcomed. The reduction of VAT to 5.5% on gasoline was also applauded for reducing household expenses. In addition, the abolition of inheritance taxes for agricultural operations was acclaimed by Aveyron farmers, proud of their land and happy to be able to pass on the work of a lifetime to their children. »


Participants expressed concerns about the cost of living, stressing that ” the need for such concrete measures to improve the quality of life of Aveyron residents ».

« The atmosphere was dynamic and constructive, reflecting the participants’ commitment to finding effective solutions to these major issues. This meeting was seen as the beginning of great hope and possible collaboration between the rights in the service of France and the French », Estimates the LR/RN candidate for the 3rd constituency of Aveyron.



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