Passengers on a Ryanair flight stranded for more than three hours on a plane at Beauvais airport

Passengers on a Ryanair flight stranded for more than three hours on a plane at Beauvais airport
Passengers on a Ryanair flight stranded for more than three hours on a plane at Beauvais airport

Passengers on a Ryanair flight to Tirana in Albania had a difficult start to their holiday. On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, the flight departing from Beauvais Airport (Oise) was delayed due to a kerosene leak, reports The Picard Courier . The incident occurred shortly before scheduled takeoff at 12:45 p.m., stranding the 160 passengers on board for several hours. “We had a first announcement of a delay when boarding the plane, then a second to warn us of a kerosene leak.”one of them informed our colleagues.

In fact, the fuel had spilled on the tarmac, preventing not only the takeoff of the aircraft, but also the disembarkation of the travelers. The presence of firefighters and police on the track even caused concern.

Change of plane after almost four hours of waiting

Despite the difficult conditions, notably the heat and the absence of free water distribution, the passengers had to wait on board for a long time, almost four hours according to Oise News . Airport director Edo Friart explained why: “Communication is difficult because information is constantly changing. In this case, the reason for the wait was that the engineers thought they could fix it.” And to specify: “If there had been a particular problem, the passengers would have been disembarked immediately. »

Finally, Ryanair decided to change planes. Passengers were able to board a new aircraft shortly before 6 p.m. “A change of plane in the middle of the summer season, when all the planes are engaged in flights, is a difficult challenge for an airline, but it was done quite quickly”notes the director despite everything.



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