Introductions to outdoor sports, in the Natural Games genes

Introductions to outdoor sports, in the Natural Games genes
Introductions to outdoor sports, in the Natural Games genes

Throughout the festival, the Natural Games offer introductions to outdoor sports.

Mountain biking, slacklining, dragon boating, climbing, various games of skill or freestyle scootering for this year: there are numerous offers of introduction to outdoor sports on the island of La Maladrerie for the Natural Games festival.

And this fifteenth edition is no exception to the rule established since the beginning of the festival where CM children from the public and private schools of the city of Millau, but also some schools from further afield such as La Cavalerie or l’Hospitalet-du-Larzac, benefit from the supervision of municipal sports educators (Etaps) and other volunteers from the local community network.

400 schoolchildren in two days

“In all, 400 students are welcomed over two days, including two IME classes for a time around sport that we want to be inclusiveunderlines Monique Artières, educational advisor for the district. We are more in the spirit of discovery than performance and these children come back afterwards with their parents.”

“The Natural Games are the continuation of everything we do throughout the year with the children, it’s a bit like our end-of-year party, a little more fun for everyone”smiles the inexhaustible Jean-Louis Caramel, responsible for Etaps.

In the shade of the trees, Elliot, Marius and Lorenzo go back and forth on the small slack line stretched between two trees, a few tens of centimeters above the ground. “We’ve already done some thanks to school during the year but it’s still so cool”, exclaim the three boys. An enthusiasm which well sums up the spirit of these initiations, still available this Friday June 28, and Saturday 29, open more widely to all visitors.

Two classes from the IME participate in the initiations offered by the NG.
Millau Journal – Loïc Bailles
The slackline was appreciated.
Journal of Millau – Loïc Bailles
The mountain bike course is supervised by the CSO.
Journal of Millau – Loïc Bailles


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