The Deniçois oppose the installation of the Agglomerate recycling center

The Deniçois oppose the installation of the Agglomerate recycling center
The Deniçois oppose the installation of the Agglomerate recycling center

It doesn’t smell very good for Denicé. While the Villefranche Beaujolais Saône agglomeration community (CAVBS) has been looking for ten years for a site to build its second recycling center, to unclog that of Arnas, Denicé seems to be one of the priority municipalities in the Agglo’s sights. If the first intentions were aimed at land between Denicé and Rivolet, which was to accommodate a fire station, the second choice concerned a space between the municipal area of ​​Bruyères and La Veinerie. Already containing the wastewater treatment plant, an alternative was proposed by the mayor of Denicé, Jacques Tournier: land in the hollow of the descent between the hamlet of Mondard and the place called Les Louattes.

“My bad”, he admits in front of the public assembly on Monday June 24. Seven words which earned him a wave of discontent from the 150 Deniçois present. Some regret thelack of public consultationothers more down-to-earth point out the problems of the place: the narrowness of the roads, especially coming from Saint-Julien, the dangerousness of the increase in traffic flows in the town with two schools in its heart, the noise pollution for the inhabitants of the hamlet, but also the environmental concerns of the site.

Noise, environmental and traffic concerns

Since last week, a petition has been launched, as well as a WhatsApp group, to counter this possibility. With nearly 700 signatures, it is the Stop Déchetterie Denicé collective which is supporting the opposition. “It is necessary to have a recycling center or an expansion of that of Arnas which is in saturation. But the installation of a new recycling center must be done in a place which will have less impact for the inhabitants, on nature and the environment”whistle Franck Pagnyspokesperson for the collective, based on the RD76 for almost 10 years, opposite the site under study.

“It doesn’t make me happy, it doesn’t make us happy, but we need this dump somewhere, we agree”explains Jacques Tournier, mayor of Denicé.

After the public meeting of June 24, he renounced his Mondard proposal in an email addressed to the Agglo.

Mondard abandoned, Bruyères not yet

Absent at the “last moment” – according to certain Denis councilors – from this public meeting, the Agglomeration of Villefranche remains the sole decision-maker and will announce the chosen site at the next community council on July 17 (scheduled for July 3 but postponed due to the electoral context). “Part of the studies should also be made public,” announcement Jean-Charles Perrin. Vice-president of the CAVBS in charge of the collection, treatment and recovery of waste (and mayor of Vaux-en-Beaujolais), he confirms that he is excluding the Mondard site, due to the proximity of homes and road development. “We reacted a little too quickly,” he confesses.

Conversely, he does not wish to communicate the location of the three other sites selected and does not rule out the land located at a place called Les Bruyères originally planned, unlike the land between Rivolet and Denicé, deemed too small. The proposal to set up several small recycling centers also does not appear in the Agglomeration’s plans. “We are still thinking of the west of Villefranche, to distribute the flows towards the Arnas recycling center. We will return to the municipality concerned, but the plans will evolve depending on the authorizations we have. We may have some small noise pollution which could be reduced (closing containers). On the other hand, there will be a road impact.”



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