He masturbated in front of minors in Orne: the thirty-year-old sentenced

He masturbated in front of minors in Orne: the thirty-year-old sentenced
He masturbated in front of minors in Orne: the thirty-year-old sentenced


Romaric Larue

Published on

June 27, 2024 at 11:40 a.m.

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“My goal was not to be seen by children,” defends a 37-year-old man tried for sexual exhibition, Thursday June 27, by the Alençon court. On two occasions, however, he was seen masturbating in his car in front of minor.

Twice in five days

A first time on May 15, 2021 at Alençon, near the theater, in sight of three young people, aged 13 to 15 years old. Before starting again, five days later at Argentanin front of a 17-year-old girl who was waiting for her bus. The police were able to track him down thanks to one of the victims who identified his vehicle.

In court, the defendant fully admitted the facts even if his memories remain “rather vague” more than three years later. “It was a complicated time in my life, I had just separated. I was on the fringes of society, I drank alcohol and took drugs. I wasn’t myself,” he recontextualized. “I apologize to the victims. They must have been afraid and it could have disrupted their relationships with men later on.”

One of them was supposed to appear at the hearing, but changed her mind at the last moment out of fear. “She was 15 years old and was having lunch at the skatepark with two friends. The scene lasted about ten minutes. It was a long time to endure, they were scared and ran away,” said Alexandra Girard, her lawyer.

“I’m not attracted to young people”

Deputy prosecutor Hélène Tardif said she did not have the “same reading of the facts” as the defendant. “Is it pure coincidence that the four victims were young girls? He was in a car and was prowling around. Not only was he masturbating, but he was staring at the victims.”

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A psychological expertise noted a “deviant relationship to sexuality”, linked in part to a youth trauma. “At 11 or 12 years old, I helplessly witnessed a rape,” said the defendant. “But I’m definitely not attracted to young people. »

He explained that he had responded to a “impulsion”. And his lawyer, Me Guillaume Chesnot, added: “At no time does it appear in the file that he was roaming around and targeting places with children. »


So far, no sexual offense did not appear in his criminal record. The public prosecutor requested a sentence of six months suspended sentence and registration in the Automated Judicial File of Perpetrators of Sexual or Violent Offenses (Fijais). Requisitions followed by the court.

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