in Bergerac, associations will also have to pay… and manage their waste

in Bergerac, associations will also have to pay… and manage their waste
in Bergerac, associations will also have to pay… and manage their waste

LThe transition to the incentive fee will also concern the clubs and associations which occupy the majority of the 180 municipal sites in Bergerac (Dordogne). From September, they will have to manage their household waste themselves and assume the cost of removal. A cost previously assumed by the municipality, to the tune of 40,000 euros per year, under the regime of the household waste removal tax (TEOM).

But the new incentive fee regime, which will apply from January 1, 2025, will increase this budget to 200,000 euros. Too much for the City, which wants to save itself this additional cost and make associative actors responsible for reducing waste. From now on, they will have to register with SMD3, the departmental waste union, and pay according to their use.

But we can already say, without reading the coffee grounds (which are compostable), that this change will not go without some complications, given the multitude of specific cases. The information meeting which was held on Tuesday, June 18, between the City, the SMD3 and the associations, offered some illustrations.

Manage sorting

What to do when several associations share the same place, such as stadiums, gymnasiums and other collective facilities? When each club has its own training sessions, its own events, each time with its own share of waste? Will each club have to bring in and take out its own bins each time? According to the SMD3, associations can come together to share costs; They still have to agree.

Another problem is during events attracting a lot of public. How can we ensure, for the organizing association, that people throw recyclables in the yellow bag, compostables in the compost and everything else in the black bag? And without being mistaken! Because the double risk, for the organizer, is having an increased bill for the black bag and incurring a fine for poorly sorted yellow bags.

For the president of the SPA, Éric Delugin, it is a nightmare to manage

In May, the association which organizes the Jazz pourpre festival called on two facilitators from Tri-Cycle enchanté, a recycling center based in Brantôme-en-Périgord. Throughout the event, these two people took turns to ensure that visitors, particularly those eating on site, were rigorous in sorting. With certain success.

“In the end, removing the black bags cost us 136 euros,” says Jean-Claude Marron, president of Jazz pourpre. But the facilitators will not travel for free every year. Normally, this service costs between 1,000 and 1,500 euros. So this is a budget to plan for, unless you include volunteers, whom SMD3 offers to train for free. » One thing is certain, if no one is there to supervise, the sorting is not done correctly.


Finally, there remain all the special cases, like this club which produces so little waste that a volunteer takes the bag home, or, conversely, the Society for the Protection of Animals (SPA) of Bergerac, which permanently welcomes hundreds dogs and cats and must get rid of soiled (and therefore non-recyclable) blankets every week.

Not to mention these private terminals where everyone deposits their waste, as is also the case at the SPA. For its president, Éric Delugin, it is a nightmare to manage and the temptation is sometimes great to literally kick it: “All the garbage that people leave next to our terminal, you just have to push it with your foot so that they fall into the ditch and there, it is no longer our responsibility, but that of the community. Is that the solution? »

Incinerator and TEOMI, the return

Monday, June 24 in session, the elected representatives of the Bergerac urban community (CAB) voted on a motion in favor of the construction of an incinerator on the territory of the urban area. A proposal already made in 2022 by the mayor of Bergerac, Jonathan Prioleaud, but which encountered an outcry from the opposition (ecologists and communists). Rebelote, this time at the CAB. The elected representative Catherine Taveau (who replaced Lionel Frel among the ecologists) and the communist Julie Tejerizo voted against again, explaining that the existing equipment in the region (landfill centers and incinerators) was already sized to treat all the waste. . Elected officials also made a motion to ask SMD3 to reopen the file on the incentive household waste removal tax (TEOMI). According to them, this takes more into account the situation of disadvantaged households since it is based on the rental value of the accommodation.



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