Ajaccio town hall is recruiting its deputy nursery director

Ajaccio town hall is recruiting its deputy nursery director
Ajaccio town hall is recruiting its deputy nursery director
Job Description
Within the early childhood department, as deputy director of the Haras crèche, you will be responsible for designing and leading, with other professionals, educational and social action aimed at young children, in conjunction with the Director.
You will carry out the tasks of an early childhood educator: design and implement educational projects, coordinate the resulting activity projects, support parents in their child’s education.

Your main activities
Assistant to the Director:
•Ensure continuity of operation in the absence of the director both in administrative missions and in personnel management
•Support the director in her team management role: management of schedules in terms of quality and quantity, readjustment of staff according to workload in the event of absence,
•Participate in the supervision of foster children

Development of the establishment project:
•Participation in the development of a project at the social, educational and pedagogical level
•Locate your function and your place within the structure and partners

Implementation and coordination of the establishment project:
•Collaborate effectively in teamwork within the framework of the structure project
•Evaluate the progress and effects of the activities carried out as part of the educational project with regard to the defined objectives
•Exploit the results of the evaluation for future projects or provide improvement solutions if necessary

Management of relationships with families:
•Organize the reception conditions for the child and their family
•Welcome parents while respecting cultures and customs
•Conduct interviews with families

Supervise and participate in the hygiene, comfort and well-being of children:
•Analyze the emotional, physiological and material needs of children
•Create and establish conditions for individual and collective well-being of the child
•Recognize warning signs of physical or psychological discomfort in the child and inform the director
•Accompany children during daily life: early learning activities, meals, diaper changes, naps

Facilitating focus groups on “health and parenting” themes:
•Identify and search for targeted information on the education of young children
•Participate in the professional network linked to education and childhood issues
•Lead reflection and production groups on themes for parents or staff
Supervision and supervision of the kitchen
•Supervise kitchen staff when preparing food at the nursery
•Develop menus in line with the DPE and place food orders
•Supervise the preparation and/or delivery of nursery meals as part of the HACCP approach and the guide to good practices for structures other than preparation kitchens

Training and supervision of trainees

Your skills
•Knowledge of Decree No. 2021-1131 of 08/30/2021 relating to childminders and establishments welcoming young children
•Notions of individual and collective psychology
•Educational and hygiene principles and rules
•Principles and modes of animation of operational management
•Rules and safety instructions
•In-depth knowledge of the needs of young children and their development
•Knowledge of early childhood professions (skills, references, ethical values, etc.)
•Notions of project management
•Observation and active listening methods
•Artistic, fun and manual techniques
•Warning indicators in the child’s behavior
•Rights of the child and his family
•Issues, developments and regulatory framework for public policies for children and youth
•Mastery of the main concepts of the human and social sciences useful to the fields of action: co-education, parenting, family

Expertise :
•Ensure the child’s psycho-motor development
•Know how to write an establishment project and organize its monitoring and evaluation
•Detect warning indicators in the child’s behavior
•Supervise and manage a team
•Know how to manage conflicts
•Know how to welcome audiences
•Have skills in administrative and financial management
• Master office software, messaging and internet tools
• Mastery of animation techniques, creativity and expression
•Know how to lead a meeting

Know-how :
•Sense of responsibility
•Team spirit
•Discretion, respect for professional secrecy

Conditions of exercise of the position

Work rate :
•Full time

Special conditions :
•Ensures the EJE function
•Leave: 25d+2 / ARTT = 20 days
Compulsory leave on days when the nursery is annually closed

•Diploma in early childhood educator (DEEJE)



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