300 volunteers trained to help the homeless

300 volunteers trained to help the homeless
300 volunteers trained to help the homeless

The town of Saint-Pierre is preparing its 2nd edition of Solidarity Night, which will take place this Thursday, June 27, 2024 from 6:45 p.m., in the streets of the city at Mas Fleuri. It’s a big operation which will bring together 300 volunteers, who will meet the homeless. Saint-Pierre is the first and only municipality in Reunion and Overseas to carry out Solidarity Night, counting on the support of the CCAS and its partners. (Photo: Sly/www.imazpress.com)

Included in the charter of commitment signed between the city of Saint-Pierre and the Abbé Pierre Foundation in 2021, with the major axis “making your municipality a zero homeless territory”, the Solidarity Night is a project supported by the CCAS of Saint-Pierre.

This is an initiative in addition to those carried out by cities in France.

In addition to making it possible to count the homeless in the municipal territory, the Solidarity Night is for Saint-Pierre a strong moment to consolidate the partnership with the social actors of the territory and allow the expression of civic commitment.

This act contributes to better knowledge of the different profiles of the homeless in the municipal territory.

More than 300 volunteers will meet the homeless in the municipal territory which has been divided into 55 sectors.

– Programme –

– 5:45 p.m.: Welcoming volunteers, signing in – snack

– 6 p.m.: Speech – final instructions

– 6:30 p.m.: Volunteer meal break

– 6:45 p.m.: First departure wave

– 7:30 p.m.: End of starting waves

– 8:30 p.m.: First feedback from volunteers – quality control and snack

– 10:30 p.m.: End

– Her goals –

The main objective is to guide public policies according to the real needs identified.

But there are also specific objectives: to encourage exchanges between the different actors concerned, to know the number of homeless people in the municipal territory and to better understand their profiles.

– Intervene in the long term –

The Night of Solidarity represents a key element in the diagnosis of the city of Saint-Pierre. It is not a simple count, but a tool for constructing an adapted public policy: questionnaire for the homeless, better understanding of profiles, modality of support, etc.

Subsequently, different actions can be implemented in favor of this public:
– Support for the person, so as not to lose contact
– Social permanence
– Marauding
– Better territorial coordination of local partners: ensuring good coordination of situations identified during Solidarity Night.

News from Reunion Island, Solidarity Night, homeless, Saint-Pierre



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