Muretain Agglo. A tourist tax for the agglomeration and a future ZAC Clément-Ader

Muretain Agglo. A tourist tax for the agglomeration and a future ZAC Clément-Ader
Muretain Agglo. A tourist tax for the agglomeration and a future ZAC Clément-Ader

the essential
The Muretain Agglo held its community council on Tuesday evening in Lavernose-Lacasse. The essentials in three points.

A tourist tax to be collected by the community

From January 1, 2025, an intermunicipal tourist tax will be implemented. For example, per night and per person,
€1.70 for a 3-star hotel, €1 for a 2-star hotel, €0.60 for a campsite. This new tax will be used entirely for the tourist development of Muretain Agglo.
Did we really perceive a hint of bitterness in the intervention this Tuesday evening of a few elected officials who feel left behind… Indeed, the towns of Portet-sur-Garonne and Muret already have precedence a tourist tax. But not the 24 other municipalities of Muretain Agglo. The answer was ready. “We haven’t stopped anyone from doing it before!” “, replied André Mandement, “whether you take the Festival Méditerraneo, the ferry at Portet or Muret beach, which costs us €250,000 per year anyway, it is justified in view of the activities that are carried out there. This allows us to finance projects that contribute to the tourist activity of these two municipalities. » Act then. The future Muretain Agglo tourist tax “will be an additional dynamic revenue for intercommunity”.

Creation of the ZAC Clément Ader and arrival of the Fabre Group

The principle of creating a new Clément-Ader activity zone was adopted in the Grand Busc sector in Muret, to the north of the Bonnets zone.
“The hat sector is also recognized as being of major national interest for the development of economic activities, including activities linked to aeronautics,” recalled President André Mandement. The community wishes to support the Pierre Fabre pharmaceutical group in its relocation and modernization project for its activities, already present in Muret. In this case, the grouping of its warehouse located in the ZAC Joffrery in Muret has become obsolete and the other storage located on Route de Seysses, also under-equipped. 20 hectares will be allocated to the Fabre group for this reorganization of distribution and order preparation.

A draft master plan for the development of Muretain Agglo

The Muretain Agglo now wishes to commit to a master development plan “to have an overall vision which allows us to settle down and discuss with the State. I believe that we need a reference document that gives us a political positioning, if we want to assert our difference from the Metropolis,” indicated the rapporteur, Jean-Louis Coll, mayor of Pinsaguel. . If all elected officials agree on this draft master plan, a sticking point has been noted. So that the different poles of Muretain Agglo are represented, “who will ensure governance? “. Little flutter here.



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