11,500 additional housing units planned in Saint-Pierre

11,500 additional housing units planned in Saint-Pierre
11,500 additional housing units planned in Saint-Pierre

This past June 25, the municipal council of the city of Saint-Pierre was held. A particular deliberation caught everyone’s attention: the revision of the Local Urban Plan (PLU).

The new PLU is sized to meet a housing need over the period (2023-2035), i.e. 12 years. The municipality should have around 100,000 inhabitants in 2035 (i.e. the contribution of 14,000 inhabitants). To accommodate this new population and allow the maintenance of current residents, the PLU identifies a need for approximately 11,500 additional housing units (including 4,600 social housing units) over the period of creation and rehabilitation, or 965 housing units per year.

The PLU provides for a total of 103 hectares of urban extension, including 48 hectares dedicated to the extension of residential areas.

Finally, the PLU identifies 25 sectoral Development and Programming Guidelines (OAP) in sectors requiring development, restructuring or development. They make it possible to set in particular the development principles in terms of traffic, parking, urban and landscape integration, location and vocation of future constructions.

Practical : A citizen can send a letter to the Mayor requesting the modification of the zoning of his land in the PLU. His request will be observed by the Mayor, and may therefore be the subject of a modification process if it is accepted. You considerably increase your chances of having the PLU modified if you bring together a group of people of the same opinion.

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