“I feel better”: the relief of retirees from whom France Travail is demanding thousands of euros in unemployment

This is a relief for retirees who had to repay sometimes large sums to France Travail, because of an administrative imbroglio.

Finally, some of those affected have obtained or are about to obtain debt forgiveness.

Two of them testify in TF1’s 8 p.m.

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The 8 p.m.

For Isabelle, one of the retirees concerned, it is the end of a long battle. She has tears in her eyes because she has just received an email from France Travail, responsible for unemployment insurance. More than 9,000 euros were claimed from him but ultimately the organization reversed course: its debt was canceled.

  • Read also

    France Travail: why unemployed people close to retirement will have to repay up to 100,000 euros

We met Isabelle a month ago. She had just received, stunned, a request for reimbursement of her unemployment benefits. There was in fact an error in transmitting data regarding his retirement. She received unemployment benefits until June 1, 2023, except that she should have retired eight months earlier, from October 1, 2022. The amounts paid in the meantime therefore constitute an overpayment to be reimbursed.

I feel better but I’m really waiting for written confirmation

Philippe, retired

At the same time, she cannot receive her retirement pension because it is not retroactive. Today, thanks among other things to our reporting, this error is recognized and its debt erased. But she is not the only one in this situation. Around 2,500 formerly unemployed people who are now retired are affected. Among them, how many will be entitled to have their debt erased? It is impossible to obtain a figure. Regional authorities will do this on a case-by-case basis.

Philippe, also in this case, is a little reassured. Last month, he told us he was at an impasse. “They ask me for 11,700 euros and I don’t know what to do“, he confides. Just after our report, France Travail promised to make a gesture. “Thanks to that, I had someone from Pôle emploi (former name of France Travail) who contacted me. I feel better but I’m really waiting for written confirmation that I have debt forgiveness“, he explains. He expects a response in a few days because his file will be re-examined on July 8.

The editorial staff of TF1 | Report: Valentin Dépret, Aurélie Erhel, Fabienne Moncelle



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