the gendarmerie launches a call for witnesses after the disappearance of a 15-year-old girl

No sign of life for ten days now. On Wednesday June 26, the Oise gendarmerie posted a call for witnesses online after the disappearance of Camille Debarbieux, a 15-year-old teenager who allegedly ran away near the town of Saint-André-Farivillers, in the same department.

Dropped off at the station

A native of Beauvais, the “Caucasian type” teenager according to the call for witnesses is thin, 1m70 tall and has black hair and blue eyes. According to information provided by the gendarmerie, on the day of her disappearance, she was dropped off around 9:30 a.m. at Beauvais station and “has not been heard from since.”

The young girl’s sister explained to L’Observateur de Beauvais that a man introduced himself to the young woman’s family shortly after her disappearance. “He explains to us that he took Camille, at her request, to Beauvais station, and bought her a train ticket to Creil before leaving,” she says in the columns of the local media.

The public prosecutor of Beauvais, for his part, announced the opening of a judicial investigation “for a worrying disappearance and that geolocation requisitions are currently underway.”

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