Environmentalist Marine Tondelier, “hyphen” and revelation of the left – Libération

Environmentalist Marine Tondelier, “hyphen” and revelation of the left – Libération
Environmentalist Marine Tondelier, “hyphen” and revelation of the left – Libération


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2024 legislative electionsdossier

After the announcement of the dissolution, the national secretary of the Ecologists quickly established herself as a driving force behind the left-wing alliance. The only woman among the party leaders of the New Popular Front, she is stepping up her efforts in her fight against the extreme right.

“We did it.” It is around 10:20 pm on Monday, June 10, in front of 11, rue des Petits-Hôtels, in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, when Marine Tondelier, wearing a green jacket that she has made her political costume, officially lays the first stone of the New Popular Front. The national secretary of the Ecologists and her socialist, communist and rebellious counterparts have just agreed on the principle of single candidacies in all constituencies after a European campaign during which they have constantly torn each other apart. “There was nothing calculated,” swears her entourage. But the image illustrates the work of (re)union started by the native of Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais) to reconcile the left. And becomes the starting point of a sequence which offers her the beautiful role on the left.

Her work begins once the dissolution has been announced by Emmanuel Macron. The former parliamentary assistant to Cécile Duflot, trained by the former Minister of Housing in internal jousting and palaver, spends her night on the phone. Her goal: to convince everyone to sit around the same table. While the Ecologists had begun to outline a project for an alliance with the socialists and the rebel rebels for 2027, Tondelier explains to the PS,



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