Tendido 7 will create a prize for the best blow for the Feria de Boujan

Tendido 7 will create a prize for the best blow for the Feria de Boujan
Tendido 7 will create a prize for the best blow for the Feria de Boujan

The Toros bullfighting club of Béziers will be involved in the Toros y campo novilladas feria which will take place from June 29 to June 30 in Boujan-sur-Libron. This Prize for the best blow, usual in Spain, serves as a symbol with the current controversy which is agitating the bullfighting world.

Since Elodie and Marin Laval have run the Boujan arenas alone, a natural bond has developed between the Torist club Tendido 7 and Toros y Campo since its former president, André Roques, participated in the entertainment of the evening announcement of cartels.

“The thrust is the fundamental act of bullfighting”

His successor at the head of the bullfighting club which brings together 27 aficionados defending respect for the fundamentals of bullfighting, Jean-Louis Comte, will award the prize for the best blow of the Feria for the 8e edition of this feria which will take place this weekend in Boujan.We are very attached to the bravery of the toro and respect for the three tercios of the lidia. The thrust is the fundamental act of bullfighting. Today, trophies are awarded with too little importance attached to them.” explains the president.

This initiative, usual in major Spanish ferias, will delight the bullfighting world. Obviously, it sticks to the motto of the Boujan feria for which “the future is to initiate, transmit and support”. But this award for the best thrust brings a symbolic response to the recent comments of the former bullfighter José Manrubia who no longer wants to kill bulls. Statements that have stirred up the bullfighting world, which, in its quasi-totality, has immense respect for this animal and does not want to see it die in a slaughterhouse or by a rifle shot at the end of its fight on the sand.

Jean-Louis Comte hopes that “this price will act on the attitude of the novilleros and will have educational virtues on the bullfighting schools to carry out this suerte according to the rules of the art”. If Tendido 7 is currently working on the criticized developments in French bullfighting regulations or the idea of ​​creating a French-style “Copa Chenel” to reopen arenas, he hopes that this award will raise awareness in France and a letter has been sent. addressed to the presidents of the bullfighting clubs of Nîmes and Gard.

The winner of this trophy for 2024 will be rewarded with a sword which will be made in Madrid and will be presented during the announcement of the Boujan feria cartels next year.

The cartels of the 8″ edition of Toros y campo

Saturday June 29 (6:30 p.m.) : steers from Turquay and Valverde pour Jesus Moreno, Alejandro Chicharro and Cid de Maria.

Sunday June 30 (6 p.m.) : Guadaira steers by Mario Navas, Nino Julian and Samuel Navalon.

In the morning (11 a.m.) : novillada sans picador by Roland Durand with Luis Torres (Béziers), Adrian Monroy and Jorge Hurtado (Badajoz), Valentin (Centre français de bullfighting), Isaac Galvin (Chiclana) and Dani Artazos (Valencia).

Reservations at the arena ticket offices or on www.torosycampo.com.

Subscription: 70 to 90 euros. 25 euros for under 25s.

Novilladas pique: from 35 to 45 euros. 15 euros for under 25s.

Unspiked Novillada: 15 euros. 10 euros for under 25s.



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