End of cycle secondary schools from fall 2025

End of cycle secondary schools from fall 2025
End of cycle secondary schools from fall 2025

The members of the Board of Directors of the Sorel-Tracy School Service Center unanimously adopted, yesterday evening June 25, 2024 during an ordinary public meeting, a resolution mandating the general management to put in place, as of school year 2025-2026, a new school organization of educational services provided in secondary schools of the School Service Center.

More specifically, the Board of Directors unanimously adopted the following resolution:

– that as of the 2025-2026 school year, the academic organization of the secondary education level at the Sorel-Tracy School Service Center will be from secondary one to fifth, at the interior of our two secondary schools, with complementary offerings of specific educational programs;

– to install the Pre-secondary, GAP, FMS and UTM special education groups at the Bernard-Gariépy secondary school and the Special Path, CPA, CPR, CPP, FPT and Pavillon Tournesol special education groups at the Fernand-Lefebvre secondary school;

– that to this end, the general management be mandated to set up this school organization as of July 1, 2025;

– to authorize a transition period allowing students attending secondary five in 2025-2026 to complete their secondary school career at Fernand-Lefebvre secondary school.


The essential principles behind the project to reorganize the secondary schools of the Service Center arise from ministerial orientations and our Commitment Plan for Student Success (PEVR), the slogan of which is “Together, committed to YOUR success” .

These principles guided all of the reflections and consultations:

1. Facilitate the continuity of learning from secondary 1 to 5 by:
– keeping expectations high for everyone;
– offering avenues of interest to all our students;
– specializing the existing service offering at the program level;
– ensuring that we have heterogeneous groups (composition and balance);
– now offering continuity of services for our customers with special needs in the same school;

2. Ensure a healthy and safe climate by:
– allowing our students to come into contact with positive role models;
– ensuring continuity of complementary and support services;
– having the same management structure from secondary 1 to 5;
– having a better knowledge of our students;

3. Make all programs and resources accessible to all students by:
– democratizing access to different programs;
– optimizing the partnership with the centers (FGA-FP);
– offering an alternative education option in our region;
– using school and municipal facilities more efficiently;

4. Increase the feeling of belonging by:
– creating links over a more significant period (5 years);
– limiting transitions between schools;
– putting in place a range of rich and varied extracurricular activities tinged with the programs of each school.;

In accordance with these principles, it is planned to offer the distribution of specific educational programs as follows:
– Bernard-Gariépy secondary school: Languages ​​and world and Multisports programs;
– Fernand-Lefebvre secondary school: Artistic and Technological-scientific programs;


This decision by the Board of Directors follows numerous consultations that have been held since fall 2022. Since then, a survey of students, employees and parents, two (2) public information sessions, a public consultations, three (3) meetings of the board of directors, an information session for parents of the 6th year of elementary school and more than three (3) informal meetings with staff members and the various union bodies were held.

Also, throughout the consultations, a Q&A type form was available to all secondary school staff, and questions were answered on an ad hoc basis.

Working subcommittees, composed of staff members from both secondary schools and managers, were created to discuss and work on the reorganization of the secondary schools. It was possible for all staff members to volunteer to sit on these committees.

These committees meet regularly and will continue to meet until the changes are implemented. Here is the list of subcommittees in place:
– Multi-sport program advisory committee;
– Artistic Program Advisory Committee;
– Advisory Committee of the Technological-Scientific Program;
– Languages ​​and World Program Advisory Committee;
– Special Education Advisory Committee;
– Extracurricular Advisory Committee;
– Advisory management committee;

Finally, a newsletter on the progress of the work and discussions was sent regularly to all secondary school employees.

All of the work and a summary of the verbal and written public consultations collected were sent to the Board of Directors before rendering its decision.


Students who will be in year 5 of secondary school in 2025-2026 will have the opportunity to complete their secondary education at Fernand-Lefebvre High School, in order to avoid having to change schools for their final year.

The secondary school reorganization project, the results of various surveys, as well as questions and answers are still available on the website of the Sorel-Tracy School Service Center.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our students, their parents and all our staff members a wonderful summer and a well-deserved vacation.

Sorel-Tracy school service center



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