Gilles Lehouillier will no longer be president of the Lévis municipal council

Gilles Lehouillier will no longer be president of the Lévis municipal council
Gilles Lehouillier will no longer be president of the Lévis municipal council

In a few months, Mayor Gilles Lehouillier will no longer chair the Lévis municipal council meetings.

As is the case in Quebec, Lévis will have a new president to direct discussions between elected officials.

Gilles Lehouillier had already mentioned this in recent weeks and the change was confirmed on Tuesday before and during the ordinary meeting.

“We can now appoint a chair for public meetings. For us, this is super interesting news,” said the mayor of Lévis, who however did not want to comment on the identity of the new president.

Following the representations of the City of Lévis as part of the parliamentary work aimed at the adoption of Bill 57, the City now has the power to proceed in this way. Mr. Lehouillier is, however, not forced to act in this way.

The current provisions of the Charter of the City of Lévis did not provide for the possibility for the municipal council to designate a member of the council other than the mayor to chair the sessions.

A new provision now allows the councils of towns with more than 50,000 inhabitants to designate, among their members, a president of assembly other than the mayor, at the latter’s request.

A vice-president will also be designated to replace the president in the event of his absence.

Lévis is preparing to implement this new procedure by the end of 2024.

Gilles Lehouillier has been mayor of Lévis since November 2013.



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