LEGISLATIVE – “Words have meaning” recalls former elected official Jacky Dubois – info-chalon.com

LEGISLATIVE – “Words have meaning” recalls former elected official Jacky Dubois – info-chalon.com
LEGISLATIVE – “Words have meaning” recalls former elected official Jacky Dubois – info-chalon.com

Words have meaning

Rarely has an electoral campaign for legislative elections been so violent, hateful and misleading. Everything that represents the right, its extreme, the defenders of a system, for more than 20 years, have been acting, unleashing themselves against the New Popular Front, accused of all evils.

All the media, public or private, are attacking this NFP guilty of putting forward social measures contained in its program which nevertheless meet the expectations and social needs of a majority of French people and of having the presumption to take the money where it is found, that is to say in the pockets of the very rich, of the capitalists, of the shareholders.

The most virulent remarks and words make headlines everywhere, often with a misappropriation of their value, their reality.

Whether it is Emmanuel Macron or right-wing and extreme political leaders, representatives of employers, MEDEF, right-wing journalists and economists take us back 43 years, to 1981, when they spoke of the arrival of Russian tanks. on the Champs Élysées, the ruin of France with the economic and social measures that the left planned to implement. We could also draw the same parallel with 1936 and 1968, at the time, implementing the 40-hour week, paid leave, significantly increasing the minimum wage, etc. was going to bring the country to its knees.

All language expressions are advanced, even if it means distorting the words. E. Macron does not hesitate to talk about civil war if the NFP comes into the majority, he wants to scare people.

The RN evokes a big replacement replacement, a vague, racist and xenophobic argument, also to scare and silence its social and societal project.

The right, the macronie and the extreme right, again to scare, speak of a dangerous extreme left which will lead France to its ruin by constantly evoking the irresponsibility of the left on the economic and social level because she dares to change course.

The far right puts forward as a solution the national preference to supposedly resolve the problems of security, employment or social assistance, to make people believe that everything will be done only for the French, while denouncing “the welfare recipients”, wishing to reduce even eliminate social security contributions, which are an essential source for financing social protection, including obviously Social Security, without ever saying what he thinks he will do for the richest, for shareholders, how to use the profits.

Jacky Dubois

Former deputy in Chalon sur Saône

Former regional advisor



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