Young women stung without their knowledge and a teenager attacked during the Music Festival in Limoges

Young women stung without their knowledge and a teenager attacked during the Music Festival in Limoges
Young women stung without their knowledge and a teenager attacked during the Music Festival in Limoges

During the Music Festival, Friday June 21, several young women told the police that they had been stung without their knowledge. A teenage girl was also violently attacked by a man demanding sexual favors from her in exchange for money.

For Juliette*, the Music Festival did not end as planned. While she was walking along rue Jean-Jaurès in Limoges, Friday June 21 around midnight, the teenager came across a man…

“I was with a friend when a man approached me with tickets in his hand. I didn’t immediately understand what he was telling me,” says Juliette, contacted by us.

A teenager hit

On the other end of the line, the 17-year-old explains that the situation quickly took a worrying turn: “He started waving bills under my nose and asking me to touch him in exchange. » Juliette refused, left on her own and the man on his side… Before returning to her, insulting her.

“He started hitting me violently while continuing to insult me. There were people around, but people didn’t react right away,” she explains.

It was only after a few minutes that the man fled. The next morning, Juliette’s parents took her to the police station to file a complaint. The police sent him to the emergency room to issue a medical certificate. The result is: eight days of total incapacity for work.

According to the police, the teenager’s attacker would have “approached young girls by making them romantic or sexual propositions in exchange for money”. An investigation has been opened, but so far no one has been identified or arrested.

Stung without their knowledge

That same evening, the police also intervened for young girls who reported having been “stung” without their knowledge. In 2022, many cases had been recorded. In recent days and particularly during the Music Festival, new cases have been reported throughout France such as in Laval (Mayenne), Les Sables-d’Olonne (Vendée) and Vence (Alpes-Maritimes). Investigations are underway.

In Limoges, the police are waiting for “analysis returns to know whether products were administered or not”. For the moment, “the medical assessments of the victims are not alarming”.

At the national level, the Civil Protection Association has noted a “real increase in suspected bites”. Civil Protection has therefore “strengthened teams and procedures”.

His first name has been changed


What to do if you suspect a bite?

When a person presents themselves at the Civil Protection aid station, a complete assessment is carried out, emphasizing the skin examination, including under clothing if necessary. If a trace of a bite is noted, the lesions are photographed. If a doctor is present, the photos are sent to him and he makes a more precise diagnosis. Otherwise, rescuers recommend evacuation to the emergency room, with supporting photos for consultation. It is strongly recommended that victims seek medical advice.



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