Singer Stephanie Rodd in free concert at MJC Prévert in Aix-en-Provence

Singer Stephanie Rodd in free concert at MJC Prévert in Aix-en-Provence
Singer Stephanie Rodd in free concert at MJC Prévert in Aix-en-Provence

Aix singer Stephanie Rodd released her first single in February, entitled Worth It, whose elegant video was filmed at Parc Jourdan. She is back today with new tracks that evoke self-confidence and self-love.I try to deliver positive messages and I think these speak to a lot of people“, she explains.

Stephanie Rodd studied language and theater. She lives in Aix and works, among other things, as a self-employed interpreter to be able to make a living from her passion. She speaks English fluently and often travels to London, where she has done some open scenes in bars dedicated to this purpose. “I also did one in Marseille, at the Parvis des Arts“, she specifies. A fan of Amy Winehouse and Selah Sue, she colors her titles with soul and r’n’b at the confluence of jazz and blues.

The EP refers to a difficult period in his life. She tells in music what helped her get up, to heal, hence this English word Recovered which serves as a title.

Strength, troubles and love

The biggest difficulty I encountered in producing these pieces was finding the style that suited me. Initially I had gone for a more folk style but the producer found that my voice suited soul or jazz better.“, she says. So there are two soul-r’n’b tracks, two a little more jazz and a piano ballad on the menu. She writes her lyrics and even the melodies on certain pieces such as Insomnia et Magical Notes.

“On the others, the producer of the titles Myster Sandmanhelped me a lot. He also took care of the instrumentation of all the tracks“, she says. Her texts speak of strength, love and troubles. The text of Worth it is more focused on self-love and Stronger than ever on self-confidence. Wake up in this city presents an ode to the city of London while in Magical notes, the singer declares her love to a loved one. Finally in Insomniashe personifies this word to start a friendly joust.

In the future, the singer would like to bring more people together around her music, sign with a label, perform more and collaborate with other artists. In the meantime, she will play this Thursday, June 27 at 9 p.m. at the MJC Prévert current music space, located 24 boulevard de la République in Aix. She will be accompanied by three musicians: Dylan Culotti on drums, Jimmy Rach on guitar and Franck Cortavar on bass!

The concert is free but places are limited. Reservations at

Its titles are available on all streaming platforms.

Contact : [email protected] ;



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