Lyon. Why the famous restaurant L’Entrecôte must close for a month

Lyon. Why the famous restaurant L’Entrecôte must close for a month
Lyon. Why the famous restaurant L’Entrecôte must close for a month


Julien Damboise

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 11:02 a.m.

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Surprise this Monday June 24, 2024 in the hyper-center of Lyon. No queue is visible in front of the L’Entrecôte restaurantrue de la République in the 1st arrondissement.

Instead of the dozens of people who flock every day, construction site barriers have been installed. Work is in progress.

Important changes

On site, at the corner of République and Mulet streets, high metal barriers prevent customers from entering the restaurant, including on the terrace. The usual excitement of this place has disappeared.

But far from the definitive closure of L’Entrecôte, this is a work period according to the managers who left a note for passers-by: “Dear customers, after 25 years of existence, our restaurant in Lyon will carry out some work in the kitchen and in the dining room ».

A note was hung in front of the restaurant L’Entrecôte, in Lyon, to announce a month of closure. (©Nicolas Zaugra / news Lyon)
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The owners end their message with a joke : “A pretty young lady needs to be maintained”. A reference to the installation of the brand which opened in the capital of gastronomy in 1999.

One month of closure

As a result, the restaurant also known for its famous queue announces a closure from June 24 to July 24.

Contacted by news Lyonthe managers were not available this Wednesday morning to detail the specific changes to come within the restaurant which offers a unique formula at 21 euros per person including a sirloin steak, matchstick fries, a salad and a sauce famous throughout the region.

It remains to be seen whether the current construction will make it possible to accommodate even more customers. The director of the premises, Fethia El Bezazi, explained in December 2023 to news Lyon that the record for a day dated from the last Festival of Lights, with 1,200 seats.

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