in Neuilly, 50 shades of right for the legislative elections

Par Noé Megel

Published on June 25, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.Updated June 25, 2024 at 8:52 p.m.

The outgoing MP, Constance Le Grip, surrounded by the Mayor of Neuilly, Jean-Christophe Fromantin, and the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, June 23, 2024. CONSTANCE LE GRIP TWITTER

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Reportage In the 6th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine, the outgoing MP, Constance Le Grip, from the presidential majority but ex-LR, faces in particular the LR Geoffroy Didier, an LR-RN opponent and the polemicist Jean Messiha. A pile-up of candidates that loses voters.

“Wait, how many LRs are there? I don’t understand anything.” In front of the electoral posters plastered in front of the Pasteur high school, Charlotte, 41, wonders as she places her glasses back on her nose. It must be said that there is plenty to get lost in. In the 6e constituency of Hauts-de-Seine – which includes the municipalities of Neuilly-sur-Seine, Puteaux but also part of Courbevoie – right-wing candidates are increasing. “She wasn’t LR, that one? » continues Charlotte, pointing to the photograph of Constance Le Grip, deputy from 2017 to 2024, who was effectively a member of the Republicans until 2022, just before her re-election, with 74.19% of the votes in the second round against Julie Barbaux, invested by the Nupes. Today labeled Renaissance, the outgoing MP faces in her constituency Geoffroy Didier, LR MEP from 2017 to 2024, Alexis Pany, candidate of the Republicans on the right – the alliance between Eric Ciotti and the RN – or even Jean Messiha, very media polemicist passed through the sets of C8 and Cnews, for Reconquête.

“We are all Sarko boys”

Today held by the presidential majority, the constituency has the reputation of being a stronghold of the right from the UDR to the UMP, including the RPR. Above all, it was that of Nicolas Sarkozy, who was mayor of Neuilly from 1983 to 2002 and deputy for more than ten years before being elected to the presidency of the Republic. Geoffroy Didier assumes this legacy. “We are all Sarko boys”, jokes the lawyer…

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