National Rally spokesperson Laure Lavalette savors “a great moment of democracy”

National Rally spokesperson Laure Lavalette savors “a great moment of democracy”
National Rally spokesperson Laure Lavalette savors “a great moment of democracy”

She is hard to reach. Since Sunday evening, she has been doing TV shows and radio interviews. The ultra-media-friendly Laure Lavalette has nevertheless managed to free up a few minutes in her (future?) minister’s schedule to comment on her party’s results both locally and nationally.

Like four other outgoing deputies from Var, you won in the first round. How do you explain this?

It’s a bet that we have succeeded in. And I think that in my case, my alliance with Julien Argento (his LR opponent in 2022, who became his substitute, Editor’s note.) played a role. There was obviously a great deal of porosity between our two electorates. This union of the right was expected, desired. We really felt it on the ground during the campaign. Just like the hope embodied by Jordan Bardella, with all the expectations that rested on his shoulders.

You believe you have benefited from the increase in participation…

We can have a fairly volatile electorate. Now people know that voting for us works, so it’s easier to mobilize.

Above all, I believe that these legislative elections were a great moment of democracy. The turnout reached a level not seen for thirty years. This gives great legitimacy to our victory.

What is the goal for next week?

In the Var, it’s simple, it’s the grand slam. And the objective in particular is to recover the constituency that we missed in 2022: that of Yannick Chenevard. (the first Ed.)).

I will also come to help Sébastien Soulé on the ground for the campaign between the two rounds. But his score of more than 40% is a very good omen.

Doesn’t a possible call for a republican front worry you?

The little Front populaire/Macronie shenanigans are on the contrary very mobilizing for us and counterproductive for them. Go and explain to a left-wing voter to vote for Élisabeth Borne, to the more than twenty 49.3 or to a Macronist to line up behind an LFI…

The French have understood that we want to form a government of national unity and that Jordan Bardella must have an absolute majority to do so. We need it to change things.

On the side of the Republicans of Var, we do not hear this kind of appeal. How do you interpret it?

Neither Jean-Louis Masson nor Frédéric Masquelier call, in their press releases, for support for the opponents of the National Rally.

I think they understood what their voters wanted. And they are right. I think LR died from this, this disconnect between the Parisian elites and the people on the ground.

How do you see your future, if the RN comes to power? There is talk of you being considered for a ministerial position…

I will go where Jordan Bardella finds me most useful. For the moment, I have not received a phone call to that effect. I will participate in the adventure whatever it may be. I love the Assembly, I do not deny myself the pleasure of being on the benches.

Afterwards, I will be a good soldier. I am ready anyway. We have been waiting for more than thirty years. This is a historic chance to gain power, to turn the tables, to put an end to chaos. Nothing stops a people who have regained hope. And this will have to be confirmed on Sunday evening with the absolute majority.



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